During the 3rd and 4th of September was held in Ayacucho, Peru, a training course for health professionals PHC approach in the National University San Cristobal de Huamanga in Ayacucho, headed by its dean, Dr. Jimmy Ango, the rector and vice-rector of the university and cooperating entities: UNPHA, CARE and PAHO / WHO.
In the course students and teachers were present and the main purpose was to analyze and build on issues pending medical career such as curriculum development, methodology of Problem Based Learning, the construction of the early immersion of students in the PHC, the development of PHC issues incorporated longitudinally in the curriculum, coordinating work with DIRESA and other partners, including the community, the Medical College, the board of trustees of the school.
Hiring and training teachers in the new paradigms of medical education, the comprehensive curriculum, the intercultural approach, ethics and medical humanism and scientific quality assurance in training were also topics discussed and will be the subject of efforts permanent part of the school.
Pictured students distinguish 1st and second year participating in the course.