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With the participation of its member institutions met Node Cuba during the 11th and 12th of February.
Calendar is now available courses for 2010.
These courses require registration and are organized by PAHO representations in the region.
The Virtual Campus of Public Health of PAHO in its efforts to provide improvements in the development of courses for this year has developed a new format for the Program Familiarization with the various tools that the classroom gives both pupils and tutors .
It began during the month of February the familiarization phase of the course "Management of Health Programs and Services for the Elderly". This is the second version of this specialization that has had excellent results in its first version made in 2009.
Panama, 30 January 2010. In order to check the Biennial Work Plan 2010 - 2011 and responsibilities for monitoring the monitoring indicators, the Regional Rights Resource Team of PAHO / WHO met in Panama City from 26 to 29 January.
Message from Dr. Mirta Roses, Director of the Pan American Health Organization
With very satisfactory results developed between 7 and 9 December at the site of BIREME, Sao Paulo, the Workshop for Open Educational Resource Network (Red REA / ERO) by its initials in Spanish and English respectively.
Last Friday, 11 December at PAHO headquarters in Washington DC. activity was performed by Dr. Pedro Brito farewell after 21 years who retires from the organization.
With results so far very positive, has been operating since December 6 at the headquarters of BIREME, Sao Paulo, the Workshop for Open Educational Resource (Network REA / OER) by its initials in Spanish and English respectively.
On days 7, 8 and 9 December 2009, will be held at the headquarters of BIREME, Sao Paulo, Brazil; the Workshop for Open Educational Resource Network (Red REA / OER) by its initials in Spanish and English respectively.