To rethink Health, from an International Health perspective, was the challenge that more than thirty ibero-american experts and officers from the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) took in the city of Lima, these past 8, 9 and 10 October
On 8-9 October, 2009 a workshop was held in Kingston, Jamaica to commence the development of an online module on Chronic Diseases and Trade, which will be used for the Leaders in International Health Program Edmund
The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) will conduct the second workshop "Towards a new conceptual model building international Health". This workshop will be held in Lima, Peru from 28 to 30 October 2009.
Concluded with very satisfactory results in Panama City face week (12-16 October 2009) First Virtual Course Management Mental Health Services, cosponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health of Panama (INSAM), the University Leon de Nicaragua, CAMH Canada and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).
The 6th Meeting of the Steering Committee Meeting  VCPH Node Mexico took place between 1 and 2 October 2009, in the city of Guadalajara in the facilities of the University Center on Health Sciences at the University of Guadalajara, Mexico
The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO / WHO) recognizes that health systems of the XXI century must confront new challenges in achieving the goals of national and international health to a globalized world.
On 9-10 September, 2009 a workshop was held in Kingston, Jamaica to commence the adaptation process of the Skills Enhancement for Public Health Program to a Caribbean context.
Is now open the call to virtual course "Practical approach of the rational use of antimicrobials in the community."
