
Comenzó la especialización en “Gerencia de Programas y Servicios Salud para Personas Mayores ”Calendar is now available courses for 2010.

These courses require registration and are organized by PAHO representations in the region.






  • Leaders in International Health Program "Edmundo Granda Ugalde"


  • Capacity Development for the Renewal of Primary Health Care.(Version_3)
  • Diploma in Health and Local Development.(Version_2)
  • Tutor-training network for learning. (Version_3)


  • Fundamentals of social determinants of health. (Version_2)
  • Course management and health and safety of health workers. (Version_2)
  • Design and management of health benefit packages. (Version_1)
  • Training of trainers of physicians focusing on APS. (Version_1)


  • Leadership of Human Resources for Health. (Version_4)
  • Regulatory framework for primary health care with an intercultural focus.


We will publish the dates for the following courses:

  • Design of educational materials. (Version_3)
  • Essential Public Health Functions. (Version_2)
  • Ethnic health approach. (Version_1)