Panama, 30 January 2010. In order to check the Biennial Work Plan 2010 - 2011 and responsibilities for monitoring the monitoring indicators, the Regional Rights Resource Team of PAHO / WHO met in Panama City from 26 to 29 January.
In addition to reviewing the work plan, the regional meeting allowed us to conclude the program of activities for the biennium, to define the regional strategy of more professional management of health human resources and define the process of evaluation and renewal of the Observatories Initiative Human Resources for Health.
The Human Resources Unit for the Health of PAHO / WHO was established with the aim of increasing efficiency, quality and equity of health services through a well-trained workforce, well distributed and well paid to have the ability to meet the health needs of all people and is committed to delivering the best health services.
The definition of the work plan clearly outlines the technical cooperation activities over the period 2010 - 2011, Unity of Human Resources for Health, his advisers and sub-regional network of professionals in the country, implemented in supporting and strengthening strategies such as trade between countries and sub-regions, calls to international partners and finding sources of funding, database design information, design assistance and coordination of learning processes, building links between Ministries of Health, Education and Labor, as well as professional associations, unions and universities.
The meeting was attended by regional advisers and sub Human Resources PAHO / WHO coordinated by Dr. Charles Godue, Head of Unit, Human Resources for Health. The opening ceremony was performed by Dr. Joaquín Molina Leza, Representative of PAHO / WHO in Panama.