The Regional Network for Open Educational Resources (REA/OER) will meet to review and analyze the advances and difficulties in network performance and to exchange experiences on the institutions’ operation of the repository.  The workshop will take place August 1-3, 2012, at the BIREME/Pan American Health Organization / World Health Organization office in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
August 16 begin Virtual Course Design and Management of Health Benefits sets that aims to improve the technical skills of the teams that are responsible for the design and ongoing management of health benefit packages in the country of the
The Cuban Ministry  of  Public Health has  the  pleasure to  invite you to  take part  of  the Health  International  Convention to  take place on December 3-5th, 2012, at Palacio de  las Convenciones, Havana, Cuba.
The Edmundo Granda Ugalde Leaders in International Health Program (LIHP) 2012 held a meeting from 28 May – 1 June, 2012 in Managua, Nicaragua. This meeting represents the second module of the nine-month LIHP which is primarily conducted virtually.
On days 3 and May 4, held an evaluation meeting, restructuring and rescheduling of the virtual course of Essential Public Health Functions. This meeting was held in Bogota and included the participation of most of the tutors of the course, academic coordinator, Dr. Ruben Dario Gomez, officials Virtual Campus of Public Health and the draft Human Resources for Health area Health Systems based on PHC.
Recently Team Virtual Campus of Public Health in collaboration with ITS Team Headquarters in WDC, users got PAHO Staff can enter all the contents of the Virtual Campus with PAHO username and password. With this new technological development, the Virtual Campus of Public Health is successful the last link in the user authentication in various systems on campus.
The development of the technology begins to cause significant changes in teaching models.  In universities, for example, the traditional crowdedlibraries copies are giving way to digital books (e-books). This is the case of the Department of Engineering, University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) where digital texts can be downloaded from any terminal to the laptops of the students.
