The Cuban Ministry of Public Health has the pleasure to invite you to take part of the Health International Convention to take place on December 3-5th, 2012, at Palacio de las Convenciones, Havana, Cuba.
The Convention, sponsored by prestigious international organization, expects to make an analysis of the Cuban health conditions and the rest of the world. This meeting will be a space for deep reflections, committed and oriented to discuss themes related to health international agenda where participants will be able to exchange their experiences.
This important forum is aimed to exchanging on public health effectiveness on 21st century based on policies, strategies, organization and sustainable economic basis, assessment of new renovation process for primary health care and its implications for health services; to consider the increase of the population health and scientific-technical, humanistic strategies for health professionals and technicians training in order to guarantee a high level medical practice, ideological preparation and ethical and moral values, to assess the contribution of scientific research and innovation in national health systems. It is also aimed to favor new types of international health cooperation between countries under the principle of solidarity cooperation in order to improve the population’s health and promoting agreements on technology and innovation.
We are sure that the hospitality of the capital of Cuba will contribute to fruitful days of scientific exchanges and recreation that could strengthen our friendship and cooperation.
Sponsoring institutions:
- World Health Organization (WHO).
- Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO).
Al national level:
- Ministry of Public Health
- Ministry of Sciences, Technology and Environment
- Ministry of Higher Education
- Academy of Sciences of Cuba
- Ministry of Foreign Trade
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Ministry of Labor and Social Security
- Nation Council of Health Scientific Societies
- Scientific societies of Public Health Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiology, Family Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, Psychology and Medical Education.
- National Trade Union of Health Workers
- Scientific Pole
Main themes to be discussed:
- Economic, social and environmental policies and its implication in the field of health.
- The Primary Health Care strategy; challenges for health universal coverage, inter-sectoriality and people participation, as component of the strategy.
- Health social determinants and its contribution to health improvement and population wellbeing.
- Transformation in health systems and its impact on main indications.
- Challenges of the health sector in priority programs: Sexual health and reproductive, Workers health, Elderly and disabled.
- Quality in health services.
- Training and continued education of health human resources with a community-oriented humanistic approach...
- Development of research systems and technological innovation in health: challenges, realities and perspectives in the health sector.
- Internationalization of medical education in Latin America and d the Caribbean faced to neoliberal globalization.
- Disaster, its impacts and responses of national health systems
- Use of Computer Sciences and Communications in health services transformation and pre and postgraduate training of human resources
- Role of social communication: wellbeing, health and quality of health
- Health promotion in society.
- Development of pharmaceutical and biotechnological industry
Organizing Committee:
- Dr. Roberto Morales Ojeda. Minister
- Dr. José Ángel Portal. Vice minister
- DrC. Luis Estruch Rancaño. Vice-minister
- DrC. Marcia Cobas Ruíz. Vice -minister
- Dr. Roberto González Martín. Vice-minister
- Lic. Danilo Tolosa Escalona. Director Economy
- DrCs. Ernesto de la Torre. President, National Council of Scientific Societies
- Ing. Rolando Yero García. Director, Management Group
- Dra. Niviola Cabrera Cruz.
- Dr. Néstor Marimón Torres
- DrCs. Pastor Castel-Florit Serrate
- Dr. Jorge González Pérez
- Dr. Héctor Corratgé Delgado
- Dr. Mariano Bonet Gorbea
- DrC. Francisco Rojas Ochoa
- Dr. Frank Tobey Haza
- DrC. Alcides Ochoa Alonso
- Dr. Juan M. Diego Cobelo
- DrC. Estela Gispert Abreu
- DrC. Edilberto González Ochoa
- DraC. Nereida Rojo Pérez
- Dra. Ileana Morales Suárez
- Lic. Félix Gutiérrez
- Dr. Raúl Pérez González
- Dra. Maritza Sosa Rosales
- Ing. Damiana Martín Laurencio
- Dra. Odalys Bravo Téllez
- Lic. María del Carmen Amaru
- Dr. Antonio González Fernández
- Dr. Miguel Márquez
- Dr. Ismael Castillo García
- Dr. Manuel Santín Peña
- Dra. María Isabel Martínez Martín
- Lic. Pedro Luis Marzan Favier
Scientific Commission:
President: Dr. Cs Pastor Castel-Florit Serrate
- Dr. Mariano Bonet Gorbea.
Executive Commission:
President: Dr. Roberto González Martín
- Dra. Niviola Cabrera Cruz
- Dr. Nestor Marimón Torres
- Dr. Héctor Corratgé Delgado.
Disclosure Comisión:
Presiden: Ing. Damiana Martín Laurencio
- Dra. Odalys Bravo Téllez
Commission for the exposition:
Presidents: DraC. Marcia Cobas Ruíz
- Dr. Ismael Castillo García
Colateral events:
Satellites meeting
- Epidemiology network
- WHO Collaborative center network
- Meeting of the Latin-American Schools of Public Health (ALAESP)
- Public Health Virtual Campus at regional level
- Gender and Health network
- Nursing network in Infant Health (ENSI))
- Epidemiology and Information Systems in Cancer (REDEPICAN)
- Research network in policies and health systems in South America and the Caribbean
- Ibero-American Ministerial network of Health Research (RIMAIS)
- Education International network for health technicians
- Regional workshop on health inter-sectoriality.
- VIII Workshop of Node Cuba from Public Health Virtual Campus.
- Quality in Health Services
- Assessment systems in health services
- Health services faced to disasters
- Climate change and health
- Advantages and limitations in virtual education.
International symposium:
- Health promotion on 21st century
Official languages:
Spanish- English- Portuguese (in plenary sessions)
Requisites for submission of papers:
Summaries will not exceed 250 words and will include most relevant aspects of the paper: title/authors/institution/phone// e-mail / country
Full paper:
7 sheets of papers as maximum structured as follows: introduction/objective /material and methods/results/conclusions/bibliographic reference. Texts should be written in Word, using Time New Roman letters, 12 points. Title shall be highlighted in bold and capital letters. Names of author should be written after the title. Scientific committee should be informed of audiovisual means needed as support of the presentation.
Papers may be sent through website or e-mail and be received until August 31st el 2012.
The scientific commission shall have at its disposal 15 days to communicate the report to the authors.
In line with the Convention, a Scientific Show will take place al the main hall of the Convention Palace, where enterprises, laboratories, entities and specialized firms will have the occasion of showing and marketing its equipment, technologies, drugs and other d materials related to the event.
The price of interior modular stand is 110.00 CUC per m2 during the exposition period. Its includes:
- Montage of the stand with 94, 8 x 2, 42 m white modular panel
- Participation at all activities during the event
- Electricity consumption at to 500 watts
- Credentials acoording to m2 agreed
- Sign with the name of the entity.
- Cleaning of the stand.
- Safety of samples during non-exhibition hours.
- Certificate of participation.
If you wish to make a free design, the price of the space without montage is 100.00 CUC / m2during the exhibition period. Its includes:
- Electricity consumption at to 500 watts
- Participation at all activities during the event
- Credentials according to m2 agreed
- Sign with the name of the entity.
- Cleaning of the stand.
- Certificate of participation.
The minimum space to be contracted is 9 m2. (3 X 3 m).
Location in the plan will be according to order of reception of reservation and approval of the Organizing Committee
Facilities will be provided for hiring of audiovisual means, lights, furniture, ornamental plants etc, according to price list at the services form.
Information related to prices, norms of participation, conditions for items sending, customs regulations etc will be provided by the Department of Fair and Exhibition, Palacio de Convenciones, Havana.
It includes:
Delegate / Speaker / Pre-grade student: Accreditation / documentation / Access to all scientific and social activities/certificate of attendance and or author with corresponding credits
Accompanying people: Acreditatión / Access to official activities at the Convention (opening and closing ceremony), participation at social activities/tours/ /sSouvenir.
Official recipient: Cubatur
Specialist: Nelson Ramos
Phone : 537- 206 9808
For more information, please contact:
Dr. Niviola J. Cabrera Cruz
Dr. Ileana del Rosario Morales Suárez
Executive Secretary.
Ministry of Public Health
Phones: 537 – 839 6344; 839 6445 y 830 9911
Lic. Migdalia Luna Cisneros
Congress professional organizer
Palacio de Convenciones , Havana
phone: 537 – 208 6176
Fax: 537 – 202 8382