From September 15 to December 3 takes place the Virtual Course on Human Resource Planning for health systems based on PHC, lasting two and a half months and the Coordination of Pilar Navarro, Professor of the Andalusian School of Health Public (EASP) and Hernan Sepulveda, PAHO Regional Advisor. Consistent with public policy requirements, the training program the following objectives:
From September 19 to 25 marks the beginning of the familiarization course Tutor Virtual Learning Network for Telehealth / BID-2011, for participants in the Telehealth Project led by the Ministry of Health of Brazil.
Panama, September 28, 2011 (PAHO / WHO) - With the objective of exchangingexperiences on the development of the first "virtual communication Diploma in public health risk" and identify a set of strengths and opportunities that contribute to the continuous improvement of this learning experience is held in Panama City a two-day meeting with participants in the cohort 2011.
When many teachers still did not understand the importance and contribution of virtual support through web pages, and the scene erupts into a new possibility: the platforms. The same format allows all players in the educational community to integrate services. Some private institutions are already using.
Immersed in the Information Society and Knowledge, increasingly more users that are uploaded to "train" of Internet, new technologies, virtual social networks, virtual communities ... and this requires us to consider what role each of these possibilities (tools, resources ...) in learning.
On September, the Spanish magazine La Razón.es, published an article on Corporate Responsibility campaign Antena 3 Group, Live Online, which deals with the different micro television and radio broadcasting company with technologies to bring the whole society. The article explains how thanks to new digital tools the people can participate in language courses or study at the university without leaving home.
"E-learning  is undergoing a constant process of expansion going forward in the coming years," according to blog about learning technologie: Magic Classroom . Through this article demonstrates the advantages of this modality in education, in recent times has been gaining strength.
