
From September 15 to December 3 takes place the Virtual Course on Human Resource Planning for health systems based on PHC, lasting two and a half months and the Coordination of Pilar Navarro, Professor of the Andalusian School of Health Public (EASP) and Hernan Sepulveda, PAHO Regional Advisor.

Consistent with public policy requirements, the training program the following objectives:

  • Strengthen the planning of health human resources to improve response to health problems of people.
  • Recognize the implications of health systems based on Primary Health Care (PHC) and Integrated Health Networks (RISS) in the planning of health human resources.
  • Improve the responsiveness of the teams and policy makers and human resource management in basic aspects of human resource planning of health.

The production of a set of tools that are useful for the role of government in the health field, specifically in regard to policy management of human resources development, was considered an important aspect of the collaboration between Andalusian School of Public Health and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO / WHO).

The dynamics of course favors the active role of participants, making them major players in the learning process. From this perspective, learning is built progressively from the analysis of situations and cases, problems, readings, and active exchange among participants, to the development of proposals for intervention in their context, to strengthen planning health human resources committed to the development of PHC and RISS.

This process will be continued support for tutors, stimulating exchange, individual and collaborative work of participants and the ongoing evaluation of the learning process.

The most important purpose of this approach is to support the production of proposals for action and intervention to improve practices and processes and outcomes of human resource planning, with substantial effects on improving health systems.