On May 6 last began the first edition in English for the Caribbean Virtual Course Specialization in Health Management for Older Persons Virtual Course, which in turn is the eighth version of the Specialty since 2009.
During the III Regional Network Workshop Open Educational Resources (OER) VCPH/VHL from 3 to August 5, 2012 in São Paulo, Brazil, was established as one of the main recommendations form three working groups on different development issues and operation of repositories country nodes.
Instead of the traditional article on technology trends for next year, I would like to reflect on what are the challenges facing the technology training through face to 2013. What are the constraints, the scenario we can expect, what about our market internationally. VIEW COMPLETE ARTICLE
The technology connects people, objects and data much more than at any other time in history.
Creative Commons licenses have expanded to become one of the best ways to disseminate content in an open, allowing third parties to reuse and dissemination. This idea may seem simple, becomes very complicated when this opening is intended to coexist with the laws of each country and the interests of the groups affected by the production. In this article we bring you a series of practical resources related to Creative Commons licenses.
Learning Management Systems (LMS) come in all shapes and sizes. When incorporating an eLearning environment into your workplace, it is important to choose an LMS built as a software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution.
A short explanation about the Creative Commons licence, we will be providing more information... Creative Commons was created as project thanks to the initiative of a law professor at Stanford University who studies social and cultural phenomena of Cyberspace Lawrence Lessig, being a non-profit organization's main objective is to offer licenses to facilitate the distribution model and use of content.
