Starts the 6th version of the Capacity Building Course for Renewal of Primary Health Care which covers the period from 26 July to 13 December 2013, with a duration of 200 hours for the purpose of promoting the development of the renewal of Primary Care in the Region of the Americas for the transformation to a health system based on PHC, through the strengthening of the capacities of leaders, managers and health professionals.
The University of Panama, with the support of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO / WHO) in Panama and the Latin American Center of Information in Health Sciences (NLM / PAHO / WHO) held from 20 to 24 May this year the "Workshop on Introduction to Virtual Health Library (VHL) ".
On May 2 the 4th started Virtual Course HSPA version in which a group of American colleagues comienzanuna training experience Essential Functions of Public Health through the potential and possibilities of the virtual learning environment offered by the Campus virtual Public Health.
