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The Pan American Health Organization / World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) has opened the call for applications for the Edmundo Granda Ugalde Leaders in International Health Program (LIHP) 2014.
In recognition of the multiple and evolving challenges facing leaders today, the LIHP aims to strengthen the capacity of countries to more effectively analyze, define, advocate and project their national health interests within this complex global context.
The program is open to professionals in the...
Recently two studies showing a diagnosis of the state of online education, circunstritos the U.S. context were published.
The first study is conducted by the Babson Survey Research Group (coordinated by Professors Elaine Allen and Jeff Seaman, and in collaboration with Pearson and the Sloan Consortium), and has been presented annually for the past 11 years.
Entitled "Grade Change" Tracking Online Education in the United States (Change: Status of Online Education in the United States), this...
The virtual course on Basic Epidemiological Concepts is the result of a long-standing collaboration between the Pan American Health Organization and the Public Health Agency of Canada to provide training in epidemiology for front-line health workers. This course has been newly adapted to the Caribbean context and is being launched through PAHO's Virtual Campus for Public Health.
The Countries Virtual Classroom of Virtual Campus of Public Health receives 2014 with the new version 2.5 of Moodle with all the latest news and benefits offered by this version, especially the compatibility with different mobile devices such as cell phones and tablet.
We have published in the Portal of the Virtual Campus for Public Health (VCPH) a concept map about “What is the Campus?” The 3 main areas of the VCPH are represented: 1) Virtual Classroom, 2) Virtual Library, 3) Virtual Clinic. The VCPH Network is included as the 4th basic component, and relations between the concepts are established. In the concept map you will also find useful links under the concepts to continue exploring.
The latest versions of tutored courses that have recently finished are now available as open resources. Free access is available to all learning resources included in the modules.
E-learning continues to be an important learning strategy. In previous years, we have shared similar news, such as Perspectives elearning 2013, and e-Learning Trends 2012.
In Quito, the December 11, 2013 the closing ceremony of the Virtual Course Capacity Development for the renewal of primary health care and implementation of Model of Integrated Health Care, Family and Community was performed. In this course over a hundred professional first level of health care from the Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador were formed and the pair were trained in virtual tutoring 15 university teachers.
This online course was developed under the auspices of PAHO Canada-CIDA...
Towards greater HR policies according to the Quality of Life and Health with Equity and National Policy.
Telemedicina 2
The pilot will take place in Fuerte Olimpo, on December 17th of this month, so from Saturday December 7, a technical team composed of the Regional Director, Dr Luis Martinez, Coordinator Health Regions, Dr . Jacinto Noguera, Dr. Cesar Cabral of DGRRII, Mr. Juan Carlos Coronel, also of DGRRII and Mr. Virgil Cane, are located in the Regional Hospital of the place, working on the...
UDELAS training workshop on the use and application of the Academic and Research Network in Moodle 2
On November 18, 2013, at the headquarters of the Universidad Especializada de Las Américas (UDELAS) in Santiago de Veraguas, Republic of Panama, the Virtual Campus of Public Health of PAHO / WHO participated in the workshop training "Use and Application of Moodle 2x Platform for Teaching and Research."
Activity in the context of the development of the UDELAS-Health-Network, Faculty of Health and Integral Rehabilitation, Universidad Especializada de Las Américas Project.
In the same part more...