
On May 6 last began the first edition in English for the Caribbean Virtual Course Specialization in Health Management for Older Persons Virtual Course, which in turn is the eighth version of the Specialty since 2009.

The Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO), the Inter-American Center for Social Security Studies (CIESS) and the Latin American Academy of Medicine for Older Adults (ALMA), along with other prestigious international organizations, have designed a theoretical and empirical specialization course aimed at current directors and professionals interested in managing health programs and services for older adults and improving their health management skills while also establishing minimum standards for the selection and evaluation of the management of health programs and services for older adults.

Contents are organized into an introductory module and 6 content modules:

  • Introductory Module
  • Module I Aging in the Population
  • Module II Public Policy, Public Health and Health Programs in Aging
  • Module III: Health Service Management for Older Persons
  • Module IV: Community Health Management for Older Persons
  • Module V: Health Management for Complex Older Patients
  • Module VI: Specialization Final Work