
Webinar Interprofessional Education: from policies to practice in the region of the Americas

Interprofessional Education: from policies to practice in the region of the America

March 21, 2018
2:00 to 3:00 PM (EST)


  • To contextualize governance models, shared resources, health and education policies and supportive management practices to determine the actions they might take to support interprofessional education practices.
  • To present practices experiences to implementing principles of the interprofessional education in the health and education policies and the benefits for health systems.


More than 390,000 users enrolled in the Virtual Campus - Bulletin Health Systems and Services - PAHO - March 2018

March 5, 2018

Bulletin Health Systems and Services - PAHO - February 2018

January 31, 2018

Dr. Carissa Etienne elected for a second term as WHO Regional Director for the Americas

Number 9 [2017] Leaders in International Health Program - October, 2017

Scholarships for Training in Health Systems Management


The General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (GS/OAS), through the OAS Partnerships Program for Education and Training (PAEC) of Department of Human Development, Education and Employment (DHDEE), the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), and Galilee International Management Institute – Israel (GIMI) are offering scholarships to qualified candidates of the Americas to participate in its certificate courses: Health Systems Management in English, French and Spanish, and Community Management of HIV/AIDS in French.

New PAHO Virtual Campus Caribbean Node offers English-speaking courses

Panama City, July 17, 2017 (PAHO/WHO) — The Virtual Campus for Public Health (VCPH) of the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO / WHO) in collaboration with the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA), the Trinidad and Tobago Ministry of Health, the University of the West Indies – St Augustine Campus and the University of Trinidad and Tobago, announces the launch of the VCPH Caribbean Node which offers English-speaking courses that will benefit health practitioners in the Caribbean region.

Training for Human Resources for Mental Health at the VCPH

On April 7, 2017, the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) celebrates the World Health Day, and this year’s campaign is about “Depression: let’s talk”. Depression is a common mental disorder that affects people of all ages, from all walks of life, in all countries. Support available for people with mental health disorders is limited in many countries of the world. In the Americas, the depression treatment gap can reach as high as 65%; six out of ten people with depression don’t get the treatment they need.  

Subregional Workshop on Teacher Training for the Residency Systems of Central America and the Dominican Republic

The Regional Coordination of the VCPH is participating in the "Subregional Workshop on Teacher Training for the Residency Systems of Central America and the Dominican Republic". The workshop is being held from March 1 to March 3 in San Salvador, El Salvador.

In the workshop, an adaptation to the VCPH subregional classroom of the "Teacher Training Course for the Residency System, Strategies and Pedagogical Tools" is being developed.

More than 250,000 participants at the VCPH

In recent years, the Virtual Campus of Public Health has grown substantially in the number of users and amount of courses offered. It has expanded from 40,000 participants in February 2014 to 250,000 participants in September 2016.

The Plans of Water Safety Self-learning Course was initiated

The course is an initiative of the Pan American Health Organization / World Health Organization (PAHO / WHO), through the Regional Task Force on Water and Sanitation (ETRAS), with the support of the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation development (AECID); It aims to provide theoretical and practical tools to companies that supply the drinking water for people, as well as medical personnel performing activities management, operation, monitoring and system monitoring water supply in the countries of the Americas in line with those recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) principles.


Capacity building for the implementation of health policy CA DOR: Master of Health Management

Opening ceremony for Edmundo Granda Ugalde Leaders in International Health Program (LIHP) 2016

The opening ceremony for the Edmundo Granda Ugalde Leaders in International Health Program (LIHP) 2016 will take place virtually on 18 May 2016 at 10:00am EST. The activity, directed from PAHO headquarters in Washington, D.C., will join PAHO/WHO staff from headquarters and country offices, current and former LIHP participants, and other partners and colleagues from ministries of health, cooperation agencies and other entities to commemorate the commencement of the LIHP 2016.

Minister, delegates and experts address strategy on open educational resources in support of sustainable development goals

The Minister of Education, Sciences and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr Maja Makovec Brencic, today opened a meeting at UNESCO Headquarters of more than 50 leading experts and national delegates to develop strategies for and address challenges to Open Educational Resources (OER) in support of the achievement of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.

The VCPH in the XI International Congress of Health Informatics. Havana Cuba

The VCPH was present at the XI International Congress of Health Informatics, developed in Cuba between 15 and 18 March 2016.
At the congress the achievements and challenges VCPH in the framework of the strategy of working with open and interoperable resources were presented.
The conference also provided an opportunity for the workshop "The Virtual Campus of Public Health - Repository and Open Educational Resources" which was aimed, check the busy experience in recent years, analyzing their achievements and difficulties and make progress in defining the VCPH future strategy in OER Network.
The workshop was attended regional and national consultants and representatives of PAHO nodes country with more experience in the field such as Brazil and Cuba.

Call of Abstracts for 4th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research

The Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) is urging health system policy makers, scholars and researchers in its member countries to submit abstracts related to “resilient and responsive health systems for a changing world”, this year’s theme for the Fourth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research, which will be held on 14-18 November 2016 in Vancouver, Canada.

Educational change, emerging technologies and pedagogies

"Education is not acquiring skills, impart knowledge or schooling thoughts," writes Marina Garces Learn to think, one of the texts that are part of its recommended unfinished Philosophy (Galaxia Gutenberg, 2015), where argues that thinking is learning to think and "to think, teach writing, you indicate that you have been thinking something that has been something to write." Teaching is give (us) to think, "against the massive consumption of information, compared to training in competencies and skills for the market, compared to formatting the minds of the media sphere, against the uncritical consumption of cultural leisure, against all therefore, the challenge today is to give us space and time to get down to think."

VCPH's Open Educational Resources Workshop under the XI International Congress of Health Informatics 2016 - Havana - Cuba

Call for Symposium: Resilient and responsive health systems for a changing world

Abstracts accepted for 4th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research

2015 VCPH Regional Team New Year Greeting

VCPH presentation in Puerto Rico

VCPH two workshops were held in Panama City from 17 to 20 November 2015

During the 17 and 18 November 2015 an expert workshop whose purpose was focused on discussing the "Challenges and Opportunities VCPH under the Strategy for the Universal Health Access and Universal Health Coverage" we were held.

Someday be possible, policies generalized for Open Educational Resources?

Open Educational Resources

The paper presents the work of David Annand, published in IRRODL (Vol. 16.5) entitled “Developing a Sustainable Financial Model in Higher Education for Open Educational Resources”. Although basically referred to American institutions, it serves to reflect on the phenomenon.

International Open Access Week

The Virtual Campus for Public Health invites you to visit the website of the International Open Access Week to be held to share experiences in this area and help broader participation.

The International Open Access Week is held for the sixth year around the world and is an ideal place to disseminate, promote and raise awareness among the academic and research community the benefits and advances in management of open access forum.

International Open Access Week

Mais Medicos, a model of South-South cooperation

The program Mais Medicos (More doctors) in which collaborate Brazil, Cuba and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) is a good example of South-South cooperation, which could be applied to other member states have challenges to meet their needs health due to lack of doctors.

The medical Maria Isabel Rodriguez from El Salvador was appointed Public Health Heroine PAHO/WHO

The medical Maria Isabel Rodriguez from El Salvador was appointed Public Health Heroine of the Americas by the Pan American Health Organization / World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO).

Rodriguez, of 93 years and a life devoted to education, health and science, received the award from the Director of PAHO/WHO, Carissa F. Etienne, during the 54th Directing Council of PAHO, which develops until 2 October in Washington DC.

Launch of "Self-Learning Course on Climate Change and Health"

On September 10, 2015, in the framework of the Biennial Meeting of Collaborating Centers of PAHO / WHO Sustainable Development and Equity in Health, held in Montreal, Canada, from 9 to 11 September 2015; the launch was "Self-Learning Course on Climate Change and Health", attended by representatives of WHO Collaborating Centers of Health and Environment of Latin America; besides BDS regional advisers from PAHO / WHO Washington and advisor for sustainable development and environmental health PAHO / WHO Mexico, Dr. Diego González, who first made the launch together with Dr. Luis A. Galvão and Agnes Soares.

Regional Meeting on Human Resources for Health: "The health teams face new challenges and renewed"

From August 31 to September 3, 2015, in Buenos Aires, Argentina; Regional Meeting on Human Resources for Health develops: "The health teams face new and renewed challenges", organized by the Pan American Health Organization / World Health Organization (PAHO / WHO).

The meeting convenes authorities of the Ministries of Health / Social Protection, and experts on development of human resources for health in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.

MINSA Panama makes launching new information technology for the benefit of public health

The Ministry of Health as lead agency of the Health in Panama, announced the "Panama Node Virtual Campus for Public Health" virtual tool that seeks to meet the strategies proposed by the regional committee of the PAHO / WHO 2010 recommends that "Ministers of Health to formulate a learning policy that includes virtual learning".

Workshop skills training tutorials and virtual design environments, Mexico 2015

28 and July 29, 2015 was held in Mexico City on "Skills Training Workshop Tutorials and Design of Virtual Environments".

The event organized by the office of PAHO Mexico together with the Directorate General of Quality and Health Education of the Ministry of Health of Mexico, sought to promote the development of the skills of professionals and institutions that make up the Mexico Node VCPH.

Meeting Expanded of the working team of the PAHO's Human Resources Unit

On July 2 and as a continuation of the meeting in Brasilia between June 29 and July 1 the Department of Health Systems and Services PAHO in support of the Strategy for the Universal Access to Health Coverage universal Health to the Human Resources Unit conducted an expanded meeting to assess the challenges for the coming years in the framework of Agenda 2015 HR Post.
