10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. (GMT-04:00)

The Department of Evidence and Intelligence for Action in Health of the Pan American Health Organization, in collaboration with the Social Protection and Health Division of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and several partners and networks and 990 registered attendees, launched the Webinar Series: Share-Listen-Act, COVID 19: The potential of Digital Health and Information Systems for Health in the fight against the pandemic. This factsheet contains responses to the questions that received the most votes, as well as other questions posed, and additional information derived from interaction with the attendees.

For more information, click here.

Objective(s) of the event
  • To launch the Webinar Series: Share-Listen-Act, COVID 19: The potential of Digital Health and Information Systems for Health in the fight against the pandemic.
  • To gather information to be compiled later on a fact sheet (see document below) which contains responses to the questions that received the most votes, as well as other questions posed, and additional information derived from interaction with the attendees.
Summary of topics


  • Welcome Remarks - Sebastian Garcia Saisó
  • Opening Remarks - Ferdinando Regalia y Jarbas Barbosa da Silva
  • Presentations:
    • Detect, Prevent, Respond, Recover Digitally - Jennifer Nelson
    • Challenges and opportunities of Digital Health - Daniel Luna 
    • Understanding the Infodemic and Misinformation, Tina Purnat
  • Moderador - Marcelo D'Agostino

The speakers presented in their native language (Spanish and English).

Speakers. Brief curriculum summary
  • Sebastian Garcia Saisó, Director, Department of Evidence and Intelligence for Action in Health, PAHO/WHO
  • Ferdinando Regalia, Division Chief, Social Protection and Health, IDB
  • Jarbas Barbosa da Silva, Assistant Director, PAHO/WHO
  • Jennifer Nelson, Specialist in Digital Health Solutions, IDB
  • Daniel Luna, Director Health Informatics, PAHO/WHO Collaborating Center Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires
  • Tina Purnat, Department of Digital Health and Innovation, Science Division, World Health Organization 
  • Marcelo D'Agostino, Senior Advisor, Information Systems and Digital Health, Department of Evidence and Intelligence for Action in Health, PAHO/WHO
COVID-19, Coronavirus, pandemics, access to information, information dissemination, digital health, information technologies, health information systems
Presentations and reference materials
Access to the recording