12:00 p.m. -2:00 p.m. (EST)

PAHO's Regional Program on Bioethics invites to participate in a series of regional dialogues on research ethics in the pandemic. The first dialogue on strategies for ethics review and oversight included the Directorate of Research of Argentina's Ministry of Health, Brazil's National Research Ethics Committee, Panama's National Committee of Bioethics in Research, and the General Office of Research and Transfer of Technology of Peru's National Institute of Health.


Objective(s) of the event
  • To advance a space to share the efforts of the countries in the region ensuring the ethical conduct of research during the pandemic.
  • Identify the challenges in their implementation, and overall improve our capacities to catalyze ethical COVID-19 research.
Speakers. Brief curriculum summary
  • Jorge Venancio, Comité Nacional de Ética de la Investigación de Brasil
  • Santiago Torales, Dirección de Investigación del Ministerio de Salud de Argentina
  • Raúl Timaná, Oficina General de Investigación y Transferencia Tecnológica del Instituto Nacional de Salud de Perú
  • Argentina Ying, Comité Nacional de Bioética en Investigación de Panamá
bioethics, COVID-19, research
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