12.00 horas EST.

Virtual education has gained a prominent place in the field of health education and the experience of the pandemic has increased the need for countries and institutions to prioritize it. Since its official launch in 2003, the Virtual Campus for Public Health (VCPH) of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) has been a pioneer in the development of virtual education in public health. The VCPH was conceived as a tool for PAHO's technical cooperation, with the mission to "lead strategic collaborative efforts among Member States and other partners to promote the training of human resources for health, for all people everywhere."

All VCPH courses are open access for participants, reflecting all areas of PAHO's technical cooperation. The VCPH has played a strategic role in the Organization's technical cooperation, reaching health workers quickly and directly, working in an open and interoperable manner with country nodes, and working in partnership with academic institutions, collaborating centers, and national health authorities. During the pandemic, the VCPH played a central role in sustaining the emergency virtualization of various activities, quickly bringing information and training to health teams throughout the Americas.

Technology and connectivity are transforming the way we live, work, and learn. In this context, the VCPH commemorates 20 years of bringing together knowledge and practice, promoting health workers who are trained and available to develop resilient health services.

WHAT: Commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of PAHO's Virtual Campus

TOPIC: Quality online education to promote the digital transformation of health services

DATE: 30 October 2023

HOUR: 12:00 p.m. (EDT)

Video recording in English:
Video recording in Spanish:
Video recording in Portuguese:
Video recording in French: 

Objective(s) of the event
  1. Commemorate the 20th anniversary of the launch of the Virtual Campus for Public Health.
  2. Promote exchanges on the digital transformation of health services and the place of virtual education in health worker training.
  3. Present and disseminate the new VCPH App.
Speakers. Brief curriculum summary

Dr. Jarbas Barbosa da Silva Jr., Director, Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO)
Dr. Mirta Roses-Periago, Director Emeritus of PAHO (2003–2007 and 2008–2012)
Dr. James Fitzgerald, Director, Health Systems and Services Department
Mr. Gabriel Listovsky, Coordinator, a.i, PAHO Virtual Campus for Public Health


  1. Dr. Heini Utunen, OpenWHO. Learning and Capacity Development for Health emergencies
  2. Dr. Erica Frank, University of British Columbia
  3. Dr. Adolfo Rubinstein, Director, Center for Implementation and Innovation in Health Policies. IECS Argentina. Former Minister of Health of Argentina. Consultant, EIH
  4. Dr. José Ruales, Minister of Public Health of Ecuador
Virtual Campus for Public Health, digital health, virtual education,health worker training, health services, digital transformation, technology; technical cooperation
Number of participants
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