Course Name
Hypertension Control Drivers at Primary Health Care Centers - English version - 2021 (Ext 2023) Verify Certificate
Humanitarian mhGAP- 2021 Verify Certificate
Psychologische Eerste Hulp (PEH) bij rampenbeheersing in het Caribisch Gebied. Tweede Editie. Verify Certificate
Preventie van Zelfbeschadiging/Suïcide: Versterking van Eerstelijnszorgverleners Verify Certificate
Virtual Course: Training of trainers for Problem Management Plus (ToT PM+) -2021 Verify Certificate
Identification methods and antifungal susceptibility testing in Candida spp – 2022 Verify Certificate
Training for primary care providers: brief tobacco interventions - 2021 (WHO e-Learning course) (Ext 2023) Verify Certificate
Developing Tobacco Control Legislation in the Caribbean - 2021 Verify Certificate
WHO Chemical Road Map on Chemical Products (English version) - 2021 Verify Certificate
Mercury effects in human health and the environment and considerations under the Minamata Convention on Mercury (2021 - self-learning) Verify Certificate
Self-learning course: Clinical Diagnosis and Management of Dengue Verify Certificate
On-line Training on Tobacco Cessation for Caribbean Countries - course with tutors - 2021 Verify Certificate
Sonographic Assessment of Renal Transplant and Renal Disease due to non-communicable diseases - 2021 Verify Certificate
[Archived course] Initial Planning in Social Marketing for Public Health - Course 2 (self-learning) Verify Certificate
[Archived course] Developing a Social Marketing and Communication Strategy - Course 3 - (self-learning) Verify Certificate
Regulatory System Strengthening for Pharmaceuticals in Small States. An Introduction (2022) Verify Certificate
Assessment strategies training on competency-based education for health professionals focused on maternal and perinatal health - 2021 Verify Certificate
Understanding Stigma and Cognitive Behavioural Interpersonal Skills (CBIS) Stigma-Reduction Program for healthcare providers - 2021 Verify Certificate
Measurement of Health Status - 2020 Verify Certificate
Oral Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) of HIV infection - eLearning tool for clinicians - 2021 Verify Certificate
Virtual training for laboratory building capacity on Antimicrobial Resistance detection and surveillance - 2020 Verify Certificate
Course: Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Coordination in Humanitarian Emergencies - 2020 Verify Certificate
Public Health Leadership: Leading the health sector during COVID-19 and beyond - 2020 Verify Certificate
Psychological First Aid (PFA) in disaster management in the Caribbean - Second Edition - 2020 Verify Certificate
Virtual Course on Engaging Communities in Preventing Suicide - 2020 Verify Certificate