Specialization starts: Health Management for Older in its 2012!
This specialization in its 5th version starts in April and is proposed as a space for reflection and capacity building to improve programs and services aimed at older adults in Latin America and the Caribbean.
During the development of specialization, will have the continued assistance and support from their tutors, which will serve as a framework and guidance for further workin the management of programs and services.
This specialization aims to improve health care of older persons in Latin America and the Caribbean through better management of services for them, and establishminimum standards in the selection and evaluation of management of programs andservices health for older adults in the region.
Objectives is intended that participants achieve:
- Identify the determinants of health and aging in Latin America and its relation to the essential functions of public health.
- Design, manage and evaluate programs and services for the health of older people.
- Apply management tools that enable effective and efficient integration of programs andhealth and social services for older people.
- Propose intervention programs based on advances in public health, gerontology and conditions of performance scenarios.
The full duration of the specialization is 36 weeks: one of them and 35 to face away.For participants, the estimated commitment of seven to eight hours a week for the production of various activities. The dedication of each participant will depend on the pace and learning style of each, from previous experience in the course content andonline education.
We hope this is a very positive experience for us all!