
Liderazgo Argentina

On July 15 began the first version of the Virtual Course for Trainers of Physicians with a focus on Primary Health Care

This course which started its activity with an enrollment of 65 students, aims to support the processes of change in medical schools and health services involved in the development of PHC renewed its area of influence, from the reflection on professional practice.

The program aims to provide opportunities for participants to analyze, exchange and experience developing new approaches and new training practices, utilizing the communication tools and virtual interactive environment production.

The course is aimed at:

  • Directors of Schools or Faculties of Medicine
  • Teachers' Colleges or Schools of Medicine
  • Mentors and tutors that in some countries, operating in the health services without formal connection with the medical school

The registered belong to 17 countries in the region: Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela.

The course duration is 4 months (16 weeks / 128 hours) in individual and group activities with guidance and follow tutorial. It is estimated that participants must spend at least eight hours per week of work to the different course activities.

The direction of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) will extend a certification course for those who have satisfactorily completed the program activities.