The Secretary of Health of Mexico, Dr. Jose Angel Cordova Villalobos, the Representative in Mexico of the Pan American Health Organization, Dr. Philippe Lamy, and the Dr. Mario Henry Rodriguez Lopez, Director General of the National Institute of Public Health handed, on January 23, 2009 at the Auditorio Miguel E. Bustamante of the Mexican Ministry of Health, the diplomas to the students in the course Seguro Popular, training for operation and medical care 2008. This was also one of the main promoters of this initiative, Mr. Daniel Karam Toumeh, Commissioner of Social Protection in Health in SSA Mexico.
The course was taught by experts to more than 3,600 employees in 28 federatives institutions, and a virtual presence with the aim of fostering human resources in the generation of knowledge and skills necessary for job performance. The design of the course was conducted by National Institute of Public Health, with support and advice from the Pan American Health Organization and the participation of the National System of Social Protection in Health and the state health services.
The Secretary of Health, Dr. Córdova Villalobos, highlighted as a priority of the Seguro Popular providing quality services, but indicated that this is essential training for personnel assigned to the programs as a strategic tool. He highlighted the participation of the Virtual Campus of Public Health, PAHO, in supporting the Strategic Program for Permanent Training System of Social Protection in Health in Mexico.
In the words of the Secretary of Health "with the current strategy has been mounted to construct the node of Social Protection in Health, whose design is based on the instrument of technical cooperation that the Pan American Health Organization has called Virtual Campus of Public Health, where taking advantage of technological innovations, this node is part of our country and just across the regional party which supports technically the Pan American Health Organization. ".
During the ceremony Dr. Lamy explained that the training is vital human resources for the Seguro Popular to acquire new skills, and expressed assurance that the scheme is an essential tool to develop policies to provide health services to the population need.