
Recently, the formal presentation of the document of the General Guidelines for the Open Educational Resources Network (OER Network)**, which contextualizes the existence of the Network, clarifies its objectives/guidelines and defines the following aspects: concept of open educational resource, inclusion criteria of OER in the VCPH / VHL, target audience, publishing workflow, evaluation processes, description of resources, search and retrieval, interoperability, and copyrights/licenses.
With the publication of the document, the work of Group # 1 concludes, established as a result of the recommendations of the III Workshop of the Network held in August 2012 in São Paulo.
The General Guidelines are the result of a collaborative work which was also subjected to public consultation by all the country nodes that make up the VCPH Network. We thank all of the people who participated in the preparation and review of this document, hoping that it will strengthen the development of repositories of resources and provide a basis for the development of specific guidelines in the country nodes.
The guidelines have not been translated to English yet.
Note ** :
The OER Network is an initiative of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO ) in cooperation with BIREME, and an integral part of the Virtual Campus of Public Health (VCPH) and the Virtual Health Library (VHL) . Its purpose is the creation of a Network of Open Educational Resources to enable the production, publication, search and use of learning objects in the region of the Americas.