
Launch of the Virtual course "essential public health functions"Last May 22 was the official launch of the Virtual Course Essential Functions of Public Health (EFPH). This release was presented by Dr. Joseph Ruales, Regional Adviser in Health Systems PAHO / WHO, Dr. Pedro Brito, Area Manager, Systems and Services Development, PAHO / WHO, Dr. Eduardo Levcovitz, Project Coordinator Health Systems and Social Protection, PAHO / WHO and Dr, Socorro Gross, Assistant Director, PAHO / WHO.

This course comes as an initiative of the Department of Health Systems and Services of PAHO, with the cooperation of the node of Colombia and the Virtual Campus of Public Health (VCPH) and received funding from the United States Agency for Development International, USAID. This course of an original course in English developed by PAHO and the World Bank Institute, translated into Spanish for the National School of Public Health of Cuba and adapted to the conditions of the Latin American Region by PAHO, with the cooperation of teachers Costa Rica, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador and Peru.

The purpose of this course is to develop leadership and management capabilities of the essential public health functions, to help strengthen national health systems and improving the health conditions of the population.

During the opening words Dr. Pedro Brito mentioned the importance of the VCPH for the completion of these courses: "The Virtual Campus is a reality, is one of the most important opportunities we have in the organization to serve the countries of the labor force in Public Health for the development not only educational programs but also for the development of networks, exchange of information and what is general knowledge management. "

The course will include 90 participants from 18 countries and will last for 6 months at a rate of 6 to 8 hours per week.

Was thanked for his coolaboración the United States Agency for International Development, the National School of Public Health of Cuba, the Faculty of Public Health at the University of Antioquia, Javieriana University, the University of La Sabana and others who have worked in production and in the course.