May 15, 2014, was held in the meeting room of PAHO / WHO in Panama launching the virtual course "Leadership, Planning and Management of Human Resources in the Field of Health in Panama ." The same was done with the presence of more than 15 participants of the course, responsible for the management of human resources at the Ministry of Health, Social Security and Public Health institutions. In addition, this release was transmitted using Blackboard Collaborate room of course, where the professionals who could not attend were able to participate in the beginning of this journey of learning and collective knowledge building.
At launch, it was attended by Dr. Federico Hernandez - Pimentel, Representative of PAHO / WHO in Panama; and the Ministry of Health Atty. Dilsa Cedeño, National Director of Human Resources and Dr. Zelibeth Valverde, National Director of Planning; who gave words of encouragement to the participants of this course. Followed, Dr. Carlos Rosales, Regional Advisory Comprehensive Health Services Networks and Health Policy PAHO / WHO, presented the inaugural lecture "The current challenges of HRH and the future challenges foreseen."
As part of the familiarization module using Virtual Campus platform, Mr. Edgardo De Gracia, gave a presentation on the use of the main tools that make learning this course. Finally, Dr. Dayara Martínez, Head of Resource Planning humando presented the recommendations and the general course program.