PAHO / WHO calls for giving more attention to the control of hypertension
Only one in five people with hypertension in Latin America and the Caribbean get to keep their blood pressure below 140/90
Washington, DC, May 14, 2015 (PAHO / WHO) .- In the framework of World Hypertension Day, which takes place on May 17, the Pan American Health Organization / World Health Organization (PAHO / WHO) calls on governments, health professionals and the whole society to pay more attention to controlling blood pressure to prevent heart disease, strokes and kidney failure, among other life-threatening health problems.
"Hypertension, which is the main risk factor to suffer and die from a cardiovascular event prematurely, affecting some 250 million people in the Americas and in most countries, rates of control blood pressure are unacceptably low, "said the Director of PAHO / WHO, Carissa F. Etienne.
Having controlled pressure means that sufferers of hypertension manage to keep values below 140/90 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) 365 days a year blood pressure.
It is estimated that in Latin America and the Caribbean, about 80% of people with hypertension do not have adequate control of their blood pressure. According to the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology Study on Hypertension (PURE, for its acronym in English) in Argentina, Brazil and Chile, in combination, only 57% of hypertensive know their condition, only 53% of them are under treatment, and only 30% of patients have their blood pressure controlled. However, the percentage with controlled pressure drops to 19% when taking into account the independent hypertensives treated his condition and knowledge of their condition.
The countries of the Americas have adopted the commitment to ensure that by 2019 at least 35% of people with hypertension have blood pressure under control. So far, only three countries exceed that goal: Canada (68%), the US (52%) and Cuba (36%). The rest will have to make more effort to get it.
Pedro Orduñez, regional advisor on Prevention and Control of Chronic Diseases of PAHO / WHO, said that hypertension can not be cured, but it can prevent, delay and control. "This World Hypertension Day we particularly encourage all adults to check your blood pressure regularly, to eat more fruits and vegetables, to lead a physically active life, reduce salt intake, avoid alcohol and snuff, already take daily medications pressure if they were prescribed by your doctor, "he listed.
As a complement to preventive actions and to improve the quality of care and thus the control of hypertension, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of the United States in collaboration with PAHO / WHO have forward a project that could contribute significantly to achieving the global target of reducing the prevalence of high blood pressure by 25% by 2025 and prevent millions of deaths from cardiovascular disorders.
Barbados was the first country in the region to implement the Global Standardization Project Treatment of Hypertension (GSHT, for its acronym in English), and other countries plan to begin developing soon.
New course for the management of patients with hypertension
Improve knowledge of health professionals, especially those working in primary care, to comprehensively manage patients with hypertension is another pillar that can help control hypertension. In that way, PAHO / WHO launched a new self-study course in its virtual campus
The course on "Management of Hypertension for primary care teams" was developed with the financial support of the CDC and has the scientific support of the Inter-American Society of Cardiology (SIAC) and the Latin American Society of Hypertension (LASH, for its acronym in English). The teaching coordination is performed by the Argentina Society of Cardiology (SAC). Who completed the 12 modules and final evaluation, will receive a certificate issued by PAHO / WHO.
Hypertension medications at affordable prices
Moreover, since 2013, the countries of the region can be purchased through the Strategic Fund of PAHO / WHO, a series of quality drugs at affordable prices, to treat hypertension, as well as, diabetes and some types of cancers. This initiative seeks to contribute to the progress of countries towards universal access and coverage of health and responds to a strategy of PAHO / WHO to prevent and control noncommunicable diseases between 2012 and 2025.
The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) is working with the countries of the Americas to improve the health and quality of life of its population. Founded in 1902, it is the world's oldest international public health organization. It acts as the regional office for the Americas of WHO and is the specialized health agency of the inter-American system.
Prevention and control of hypertension in Latin America and the Caribbean
Global Standardization Project Treatment of Hypertension
Course "Management of Hypertension for primary care teams"
Strategic Fund of PAHO / WHO…
World Hypertension Day #hipertensión #conocetusnúmeros