

From 13th to 17th September, in the premises of the National Nurses Association and the School of Nursing at the University of Panama, was held the face-week on the Virtual Course Management Palliative Care Program of Panama.

This course is an initiative of the Ministry of Health and Social Security Fund of Panama with the collaboration of the University of Panama, FUNDACANCER, ANCEC, the Palliative Pro-care Association HOSPES and the sponsorship of the Pan American Health Organization through Virtual Campus of Public Health

Deputy Health Minister of Panama, Dr. Julio SantamarĂ­a in his words of welcome to this week's face emphasized the leadership that is expected to have the participants of this course, as will those who organize the process of implementation of the Palliative Care Program areas and facilities that represent both the indoors and the nation's capital.

During the meeting participants had with the Virtual Campus of Public Health (VCPH) staff, Dr. Jose B. Jardines VCPH Regional Coordinator, said the significance of this virtual course, being the first done by the country to train its own human resources and predicts that soon will be wider use of the Virtual Campus of Public Health in Panama.

More than forty participants in the company of their tutors and guest have completed the online modules this week with major cross-cutting issues such as access to opioids, teamwork, quality, evaluation, information systems and research.

The course began on June 24th and ends on October 24th with the presentation of the Regional Programmes and Palliative Care Institutional and Operational Plan to be developed in the next two years.