On May 7, 2014, in La Paz, Bolivia, with the presence of Dr. Michel Thieren, Representative of PAHO / WHO and the organizers Bolivia Hannover and Dr. Susana Escalante Giovanni, a meeting with officials and technicians was conducted 10 Bolivian educational institutions and health, where node creation of the Virtual Campus for Public Health of Bolivia was analyzed. The meeting was chaired by Dr. Jose Jardines and Mr. Edgardo De Gracia VCPH, who presented the project of the Virtual Campus for Public Health and Educational Virtual Clinic.
In this activity the 20 participants confirmed their commitment to the development of Bolivia node considering:
- The Virtual Campus for Public Health is a strategy tool while PAHO technical cooperation for the development of public health competencies of health personnel in the services.
- That is important to build and maintain a virtual space for interaction, learning and networking for the development of technical-professional human resources skills.
- That strengthening of skills and training capacity of institutions, teachers and health care providers is needed.
- It is important to create spaces for integration at national and subregional levels in knowledge management.
- That should strengthen the regional level, the leadership of the Virtual Campus for Public Health as an essential instrument of permanent education in health and its determinants, with joint operatively with the Virtual Health Library. Scientific Electronic Library - SciELO.
- We may develop and share standardized methodologies and training tools and networking, for the development of knowledge management at national and regional level.