The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Panama, supporting the initiative of the Educational Virtual Clinic of Virtual Campus for Public Health, called the specialist and health professionals who participated in the pilot project . The event was chaired by Dr. Zelibeth Valverde, Director of Planning, Ministry of Health and Dr. Gaspar Da Costa, an expert in psychiatry and project manager in the Educational Virtual Clinic.
This activity held last April 30, 2014, aimed to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the Virtual Clinic, and formulate a strategy for the implementation of the second phase of the project.
During the activity presentations on the services of the Virtual Campus for Public Health by Dr. Jose Jardines & the situation of the Educational Virtual Clinic Pilot in Panama by the Edgardo De Gracia were performed. In addition, a workshop on the use of the technology platform, where the concerns of the participants responded and ideas to improve the system were taken was performed.