Introductory Online Course on Developing and Adapting Guidelines using the GRADE Methodology


Engaging Communities in Preventing Suicide


WHO Chemical Road Map on Chemical Products (English version)


Virtual Course on Fundamentals of Palliative Care


Maternal and Perinatal Death Surveillance and Response (MPDSR) Framework


Techniques and Skills for Effective Negotiation - 2019 (closed enrollment - only for PAHO staff)


Healthcare Technology Planning & Management (2019)


Food Handlers Virtuele Training


Tutoring in an Online Learning Environment (2019)


Edmundo Granda Ugalde Leaders in International Health Program LIHP (Open Educational Resources)


Alcohol Use, Women’s Health and Pregnancy: Comprehensive Approaches to Preventing Problems Associated with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure


Virtual Course on Alcohol Policy and Public Health


Virtual Course: AUDIT-SBI in Primary Health Care


Virtual Course on Drug Policy and Public Health


Development of Competences in Health Care for Older Persons: ACAPEM ‒ Basic Level - English

Displaying 76 - 90 of 116