
All Webinars are listed regardless of the language in which they were held.

Regional dialogue: Preliminary recommendations to catalyze ethical research in emergencies (English)

PAHO's Regional Program on Bioethics carried out a regional dialogue to discuss the preliminary recommendations of PAHO's upcoming publication: "Catalyzing ethical research in emergencies. Ethics guidance, lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and pending agenda."

Prevention of infection associated with healthcare in a patient admitted with COVID-19 (English)

This workshop is part of the PAHO-WHO COVID-19 Pillar HSS Series and will be held on March 8, 9 and 10, 2022. At the end of the workshop, the participants will be able to carry out the infection prevention measures to decrease the burden of HAI in patients admitted with COVID-19.

COVID-19 Case Management Webinar Series: COVID-19 in children and young persons (English)

WHO carried out the COVID-19 Case Management Webinar Series: COVID-19 in children and young persons.
This webinar focuses on key elements to consider in the clinical management of mild, moderate, or severe COVID-19 in children and young persons.

Regional Public Health Ethics Workshop: Lessons to be learned from the COVID-19 pandemic (English)

This workshop, organized by PAHO's Regional Program on Bioethics, included a presentation by Prof. Angus Dawson from the University of Sydney, and panelists to discuss the lessons we should learn from the pandemic and how to integrate ethics in public health work. 

Financial Protection in Health in Times of Pandemic (English)

Latin America and the Caribbean has been the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has had a disproportionate impact in terms of cases and deaths.

HEALTH SYSTEMS RESILIENCE: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic (English)

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted health, lives and livelihoods world-wide, and has generated a social and economic crisis characterized by mass unemployment, increased levels of impoverishment, and exacerbation of longstanding inequities in health.

Monitoring universal health in the Era of covid-19 (English)

To improve public health, health authorities need to evaluate the health status of their communities, identify variations in health status, and analyze the factors contributing to poor health.


Human Resources in Health have gained visibility and prominence due to their importance and contributions to maintaining the health of the population, ensuring that countries achieve access to health and universal health coverage, the Sustainable Development Goals and more recently in 2020, to co

COVID-19: Partnerships to bring training to the frontline (English)

In the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic, real-time training has become the mainstay of the COVID19 response.

Assessing access barriers to achieve Universal health in the era of COVID-19 (English)

All over the world and particularly in our region, different population groups have little or no access to comprehensive and quality health services, mainly due to numerous barriers that prevent them from using needed health services.

What we have learned from COVID-19: The need of Advanced Practice Nurses in Health Care (English)

The year 2021 has been designated by the World Health Organization as the International Year of Healthcare Workers and Care to value the essential role that healthcare workers have played in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ethics oversight of COVID-19 research in response to emerging evidence (English)

The rapid production of evidence in the pandemic makes the ethics oversight of ongoing research increasingly difficult.

Vaccine Safety Communication: Guidelines for Health Care Workers (English)

The COVID-19 pandemic has shined a light on the importance of strengthening national capacities in the area of vaccine safety. In order to maintain public confidence in vaccines and health authorities, two-way communication is essential.

Blood Supply and Impact of COVID-19 (English)

This web seminar reviews the progress on the implementation of the Regional Plan for Access to Safe Blood and discuss the impact of COVID-19 on blood supply to contribute to the implementation of best practices in blood donation and adequate management of blood supply in health services in the Ca

COVID-19 and the environment (LIHP) (English)

This seminar makes part of the webinar series organized by the Leaders for International Health Program (LIHP). Its main aim was enabling a space for dicussion and reflection regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the environment.

COVID-19 and emerging trends in health professions education (LIHP) (English only) (English)

This seminar makes part of the webinar series organized by the Leaders for International Health Program. Its main aim was enabling a space for dicussion and reflection regarding
he COVID-19 pandemic and the emerging trends in health professions education that the crisis is shaping.

Dialogues about research ethics during the pandemic: Challenges and lessons to learn in Latin America and the Caribbean- Sixth dialogue: What have we learned so far? (English)

PAHO's Regional Program on Bioethics concluded in the sixth and last dialogue of our series on research ethics in the pandemic. Professionals from Argentina, Chile, Grenada, and Peru discussed the research ethics lessons that we have learned so far in the COVID-19 context.

Dialogues about research ethics during the pandemic: Challenges and lessons to learn in Latin America and the Caribbean - Fifth dialogue: The risk-benefit assessment of studies (English)

PAHO's Regional Program on Bioethics invites you to participate in a series of regional dialogues on research ethics in the pandemic.

Dialogues about research ethics during the pandemic: Challenges and lessons to learn in Latin America and the Caribbean - Fourth dialogue: The perspective of researchers (English)

PAHO's Regional Program on Bioethics invites you to participate in a series of regional dialogues on research ethics in the pandemic. The fourth dialogue focused on the experience of researchers in following ethics procedures in COVID-19 trials.

Dialogue Series: Continuing education for the Approach of COVID-19 - 2nd Meeting: An Educational Approach to Triage: Decision Making During the Crisis and Post-Crisis (English)

Meeting 2 - Cycle of dialogues - Why call this cycle of dialogues? The 2020 pandemic has called into question the ways in which people work, teach, learn, meet and gather, around the world.

Dialogues about research ethics during the pandemic: Challenges and lessons to learn in Latin America and the Caribbean – Third dialogue: Social and scientific value, and informed consent (English)

PAHO's Regional Program on Bioethics invites to participate in a series of regional dialogues on research ethics in the pandemic.

Dialogues about research ethics during the pandemic: Challenges and lessons to learn in Latin America and the Caribbean - Second dialogue: REC procedures (English)

PAHO's Regional Program on Bioethics invites to participate in a series of regional dialogues on research ethics in the pandemic.

Dialogues about research ethics during the pandemic - First Dialogue: Strategies for Ethics Review and Oversight (English)

PAHO's Regional Program on Bioethics invites to participate in a series of regional dialogues on research ethics in the pandemic.

COVID-19 Vaccine Research Ethics (English)

PAHO’s Regional Program on Bioethics held a virtual workshop on COVID-19 vaccine research ethics on Tuesday October 27th, 1:00 p.m. -5:00 p.m., Washington DC time (EDT). The workshop will have simultaneous interpretation (English and Spanish). 

Strengthening the capacity to respond of the First Level of Care in the framework of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic (English)

The purpose of this webinar was to provide recommendations and share experiences to strengthen the response capacity of the First Level of Care during the pandemic as a strategic element of the response of the health services network to COVID-19.

Information Systems and Digital Health - Why this area is key during and after the pandemic: 10 Experts, 1 Question, 1 Goal (English)

The Department of Evidence and Intelligence for Action in Health of the Pan American Health Organization, in close collaboration with the Social Protection and Health Division of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) invited to a new webinar of the series Share-Listen-Act, COVID 19: Informati

World Patient Safety Day: Health Worker Safety: A priority for Patient Safety (English)

The COVID-19 pandemic has unveiled the huge challenges and risks health workers are facing globally including health car

Human Resources for Health and the COVID-19 response in the Caribbean: Challenges and opportunities (English)

PAHO Sub regional Program organized the webinar: HRH and the COVID-19 response in the Caribbean: Challenges and opportunities.

The impact of COVID 19 on vulnerable populations (LIHP) (English)

This is the fourth in a series of webinars exploring the relationship between COVID-19 pandemic an international health focusing on the impact the current health crisis is having on vulnerable populations in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Evidence, ethics and the use of unproven interventions for COVID-19 (English)

This virtual seminar presented the current state of the evidence on the interventions that aim at treating or preventing COVID-19, and the ethics guidance for the emergency use of unproven interventions for COVID-19, in the extraordinary circumstances in which such use may be justified.

LIHP-Primary Health Care and COVID-19 (ENGLISH Only) (English)

This is the third in a series of webinars exploring the relationship between the COVID-19 pandemic and international health. This webinar will focus on the importance of Primary Health Care in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

NCDs and COVID-19: Building Back Better Services (English)

What: NCDs and COVID-19: Building Back Better Services

Disability and health in the COVID-19 context: Sharing experiences (English)

The COVID-19 crisis is having a significant impact on people with disabilities. People with disabilities may be at greater risk due to barriers such as inaccessibility to information or increased difficulty in carrying out physical distancing.

Primary Health Care and COVID-19, Leaders in International Health Program (LIHP), Edmundo Granda Ugalde (English)

This seminar was held within the framework of the online seminar series of the Leaders in International Health Program (LIHP), Edmundo Granda Ugalde.

MHPSS/COVID-19 series: A Closer look at the needs of older adults (English)

Theme of the webinar: MHPSS/COVID-19 series: A closer look at the needs of older adults

Technical and regulatory aspects of prolonged use, reuse and reprocessing of respirators in periods of shortage (English)

To present issues related to the extended use, reuse, and reprocessing of N95 and equivalent respirators by health services during shortages of this personal protective equipment (PPE), to health facility managers, health authorities, and others involved in decision-making on the use and prioritization of PPE.

LIHP Primary Health Care and COVID-19 (English)

This seminar was held within the framework of the online seminar series of the Leaders in International Health Program (PLSI), Edmundo Granda Ugalde. It offered a space for reflection and discussion about the importance of Primary Health Care (PHC) in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. (30 June 2020)

Certifying and coding COVID-19 as cause of death (English)

This Webinar provides and overview of the international recommendations for certifying and coding COVID-19 as cause of death, the main aspects for correcting filling of death certificate and selected examples of certification of deaths due to COVID-19.

Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and the Coronavirus Crisis – Challenges and Responses: maintaining essential health services while responding to COVID-19 (English)

With emerging examples around the world of governments responding and continuously adapting their measures to ease the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the aim of the webinar was to contribute to the global exchange of experiences to increase the understanding of challenges and solutions, improve the effectiveness of cross-disciplinary responses, and promote country-to-country learning and cooperation amongst countries, including through South-South and triangular cooperation.


National Coordination Strategies for the Development and Production of Ventilators in the Context of COVID-19 [5 Jun 2020] (English)

The webinar features government authorities and experts from the Americas and Spain who share their experiences to strengthen the development and production of ventilators in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Audience: Authorities, professionals (engineers, doctors, managers and other related specialties) who have developed or are interested in learning about low-cost ventilator projects Presenters: Government authorities of the Americas and leaders of innovative ventilators projects.

Coping with COVID-19: Psychosocial support (English)

COVID-19 has disrupted our lives and daily routines.

The potential of Digital Health and Information Systems for Health in the fight against the pandemic (English)

The Department of Evidence and Intelligence for Action in Health of the Pan American Health Organization, in collaboration with the Social Protection and Health Division of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and several partners and networks and 990 registered attendees, launched the 

Launching of SIP COVID-19 form (English)

The Latin American Center for Perinatology, Unit of Women and Reproductive Health (CLAP/WR) organized this seminar, to present the SIP form COVID-19 (English version), an information system consisting of a standardized maternal-perinatal medical record, which guides the provider in the management

PANCAP - PAHO Webinar - Effects of COVID-19 on gender-based violence (English)

This PANCAP-PAHO webinar focus on recommendations and strategies to prevent and respond to domestic violence against women and children during COVID-19.

Continuity of Care for Persons with HIV and NCDs during COVID-19: Learning from the Chronic Care Model (English)

PANCAP- PAHO Webinar: Continuity of Care for Persons with HIV and NCDs during COVID-19: Learning from the Chronic Care Model

Recommendations for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the response to COVID-19 (English)

PAHO/WHO held a webinar to present the Recommendations for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the response to COVID-19.

Violence Against Women and Children in the Context of COVID-19 (English)

The Mental Health and Substance Use Unit, in collaboration with the PAHO Caribbean Program Coordination (CPC) Office, hosted a virtual seminar as part of the Caribbean Mental Health Roster MHPSS and COVID-19 biweekly webinar series. The topic discussed was violence against women and children (VAW

Family wellness and resilience in the time of COVID-19 (English)

The Healthy Life Course Unit of the Family, Health Promotion and Life Course Department, of the Pan American Health ORganization (PAHO/WHO) organized a Webinar in commemoration of the International Day of the Family to discuss Family Wellness and resilience in the time of COVID-19 and the challen

Maternal and Perinatal care during COVID 19 (English)

The Latin American Center for Perinatology, Woman Health and Reproductive (CLAP) of PAHO held a webinar for health workers at the Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean Countries (ECC).

Strategies and operational guidelines for the ethics review and oversight of COVID-19-related research (English)

In this presentation, Carla Saenz, Sarah Carrecedo and Ana Palmero presented two documents that were recently developed to help countries streamline the ethics review and oversight of COVID-19-related research and adapt standard operating procedures accordingly.

Intensive Care Delivery for COVID-19: Experience from Hospital Settings (English)

Intensive Care Delivery for COVID-19: Experience from Hospital Settings. The webinar convened three experts from Asia, Europe and the Americas with extensive experience in intensive care services and clinical management of COVID-19.