General purpose and course description:
A major challenge for health systems and for achieving Universal Health is the pursuit of equity, quality of care and efficiency. Universal Health means that all people are able to access and use the health services they need (including prevention, promotion, treatment, rehabilitation and palliation), that these services are of sufficient quality to be effective, and that the use of these services does not expose the user to financial hardship. The drive to achieve such coverage and ensure provision of affordable services to all populations heightens the need to choose interventions judiciously and manage effectively technologies that are to be adopted within countries’ health systems.
This course presents an integrated approach that considers the assessment, selection, incorporation, management, rational use, and monitoring of medicines and other health technologies
Learning objectives:
The course will enable participants to:
- Conceptualize, apply criteria and methodologies related to Health Technology Assessment and Management (including medicines and medical devices).
- Strengthen capacities and processes for the development of evidence-based guidelines.
- Develop a critical perspective that enables them to participate in decision-making on health technologies incorporation and management.
Course audience:
Health professionals from the Caribbean working in public or not-for-profit institutions (ministries, regulatory agencies, social security sector, public hospitals or other health institutions) and taking part in activities related to:
- health technology assessment / selection
- decision-making on health technology incorporation
- clinical guidelines
- health technology management/rational use
- health technology procurement
- health technology pricing
Course structure:
Module 1: Integrated approach to the assessment and rational use of health technologies
Module 2: Sources of biomedical information, types of research studies and critical analysis
Module 3: Steps to conduct a health technology assessment (HTA)
Module 4: Evidence-based health guidelines
Module 5: Economic evaluations in HTA
Module 6: Rational use and monitoring of health technologies
Course dates:
October 29, 2020 through June 30, 2021