Strengthening human resource capacity and standards when developing and implementing technical documents containing evidence-informed health recommendations and policy options is a core function of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). To accomplish this, the stakeholders involved in the development, adaptation, and implementation of guidelines using the GRADE approach must receive training according to the standards recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) and PAHO.
Participant profile
Any interested person on how evidence-informed recommendations are developed and implemented is welcome to take this course. Basic knowledge of developing a systematic review and critical appraisal of research studies is preferable.
This online learning course will be divided into 13 units on different topics. The entire course will take an estimated 20-25 hours to complete.
Specific Objectives
· To strengthen the capacity to implement the processes recommended by PAHO/WHO for the development of evidence-informed guidelines and documents
· To improve health professionals’ searching skills and ability to make use of guidelines
· To improve knowledge and skills in the critical appraisal of guidelines
· To improve knowledge and skills in the development and adaptation of evidence‑informed guidelines using the GRADE approach
· To get familiar with the aspects related to health guidelines implementation
· To improve knowledge and skills in the use of guidelines for decision-making
Unit 1: Introduction to evidence-informed health guidelines
Unit 2: Planning and scoping of guidelines
Unit 3: Guideline development group composition and conflicts of interest
Unit 4: Formulating questions and selecting outcomes
Unit 5: Clinical trials and systematic reviews as the basis for health guidelines
Unit 6: Evidence searching, assessment and synthesis I
Unit 7: Evidence searching, assessment and synthesis II
Unit 8: Evidence searching, assessment and synthesis III
Unit 9: Evaluation of resources and costs
Unit 10: Integrating patient values and preferences
Unit 11: Formulation and implementation of recommendations
Unit 12: Reporting, updating, and external review
Unit 13: Implementation and evaluation