Introduction to Assistive Technology in the Americas


Assistive technology, services and products, whose purpose is to maintain or improve the autonomy, functioning and well-being of people, enable them to lead productive, independent and dignified lives. Examples of these technologies include wheelchairs, prosthetic devices, hearing aids, and prescription lenses.  

2.5 billion people in the world need assistive technology. This figure will rise to 3.5 billion by 2050. In some places as few as 3 percent of people who need it have access to it. It is essential that government and health care workers be trained to assess and manage their supply. Without this, this technology may become inoperational and even cause physical damage and additional health expenses.  There is a great shortage of workers in this field.

This introduction course to assistive technology (AT) arises as a form of technical support from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) Departments of Innovation, Access to Medicines and Health Technology (IMT) and Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health (NMH) to Member States to ensure health authorities and personnel have knowledge about the key elements of the assistive technology ecosystem that are needed in order to provide appropriate assistive products as required by resolution WHA71.8 “Improving access to assistive technology”. 

Purpose of the course 

To increase knowledge on assistive technology by means of a simple tool for dissemination and education on the subject to support its promotion on the regional agenda, in order to facilitate access for the people who need it most. 


The course provides opportunities to develop skills related to the planning and integration of appropriate assistive technology into universal health benefits.


The objective of the course is to introduce: 

  • the definition and vocabulary related to AT;  
  • the basic concepts of assistive technology systems, services and products; 
  • the elements of the AT system (5P Model); 
  • who are the users of assistive products; 
  • the benefits of incorporating AT in health care services and its interaction with other sectors; 
  • the legal and regulatory framework at the global and regional levels; and 
  • the work plan and tools that the World Health Organization (WHO) and PAHO have available to strengthen the sector.


  • Individuals responsible for the planning and delivery of health services in primary and specialized care, including the management of outpatient and inpatient services; 
  • Health care professionals who work in the area of medical devices but do not have a lot of experience specifically in assistive products; 
  • Focal points and main actors of the AT sector in the specialized agencies and national and subnational governments of the Member States in the region; and 
  • Members of PAHO and WHO departments and country offices. 

The course is not aimed at professionals specializing in AT or related areas but is intended for all health care professionals who interact with the topics of health system strengthening, universal health coverage, and access to health services for people of all age groups, with any health condition and functional situation. 

Hourly load and time spent 

Seven (7) hours.

It is estimated that participants should spend one hour per training module reviewing reading materials and videos and completing assessment activities.  
The course is open access. Since this is a self-study course, participants can decide the time they will spend on the course.

Course structure

Module 1: Introduction to Assistive Technology
Module 2: People 
Module 3: Assistive Products 
Module 4: Provision
Module 5:  Personnel  
Module 6: Policies 
PAHO/WHO Actions and End of Course

Teaching strategies

Self-paced course.

The course consists of a welcome section, six training modules and a closing section. The training modules are based on a brief introduction to assistive technology (AT), plus five modules focused on the 5 Ps of the AT model. 

The main modules have an approximate duration of 1 (one) hour each. Each module is comprised of introductory texts, videos and assessment activities, plus links and additional files with more information for those interested in exploring the topics.

Evaluation and certification

At the end of each training module in the virtual course, participants will have to pass a Quiz consisting of five multiple-choice questions. 

The assessment activities are designed to reinforce the acquisition of knowledge at the end of each module. Likewise, the virtual learning environment tools in the Virtual Campus are used to present the expected results of each activity and provide understanding of the concepts and topics presented. 

Participants who meet these requirements and complete the Virtual Campus for Public Health (VCPH) Quality Survey will be able to download their certificate of course approval issued by the Pan American Health Organization.