Health and Migration: Regional strategic lines of action on health and migration

The course is designed to guide public authorities within the health sector, and beyond, on developing inclusive and evidence-based policies, strategies, and programs on health and migration, aimed at improving the health of migrants in countries throughout the Region of the Americas.

By the end of the course, participants will be able to identify priority migrants´ health needs and apply their knowledge to advocate for people-centered interventions using global and regional frameworks, and other key instruments.

Learning outcomes
The course offers elements for the development of skills related to:

  • Define and apply key concepts and principals on health and migration, as well as relevant international and regional policies and frameworks.
  • Identify migrants´ health needs, risks, and diverse experiences across the life course, gaps in health systems and services that impact both the migrant and host communities, as well as the social and environmental determinants that impact health and well-being.
  • Enhance critical analysis and strategic planning skills for responsive and migrant-sensitive policymaking, that takes into account cross-cutting themes such as data collection, gender, ethnicity, and human rights.
  • Analyze strategies, measures, and interventions to promote the following PAHO Strategic Lines of Action:
    • strengthen health surveillance, information management, and monitoring,
    • improve access to health services for the migrant population,
    • improve communication and information exchange to counter xenophobia, stigma, and discrimination,
    • strengthen alliances, networks, and multi-country frameworks,
    • adapt policies, programs, and legal frameworks to protect and promote the health and well-being of the migrant population.

Participants profile
Anyone interested in the subject, public health professionals and public authorities.

10 hours

This course has a self-management methodology, you can do it at your own pace. The exercises are self-reflective and will help you self-regulate your own learning and identify elements or units you need to review again.

The course consists of audio presentations and automated quizzes to apply the learning acquired.

Course Structure
Module 0: Course Introduction
Module 1: Introduction to concepts, migration dynamics, and international and regional frameworks
Module 2: Access to health services for the migrant population
Module 3: Health surveillance, information management, and monitoring
Module 4: Multi-country alliances, networks, and frameworks in health and migration

Last update: 13/Aug/2024