
In the framework of the VII International Congress of Public Health 2011 "The holistic view of health as a challenge in the action strategies in Public Health" held from 23 to 25 November 2011 in the city of Cordoba, the transfer was made Node Coordination Argentina Virtual Campus from FLACSO to the School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, National University of Córdoba.

As part of the Pre-Conference Workshops and chaired by Mr. Dean, Faculty of Medicine Dr. Gustavo L. Irico and the Director of the School of Public Health Dr. Juan Carlos would be a presentation of the VCPH Argentina Node including:

Conference: Dr. Joseph B. Gardens (OPS-Regional) "The Virtual Campus of Public Health: Challenges and Perspectives".

Roundtable: Virtual Campus in Public Health training in Argentina: Ms. Deborah Yanco (PAHO - Argentina). Coordination of officers and presentation of the Argentine Public Health Node. "Strategies of cooperation in human resources in health."

Dr. Isabel last (Human Capital Management, Ministry of Health of the Nation): "Virtual training in human resource development in health, for virtual courses Argentine Node Virtual Campus of Public Health."

Dr. Irene Melamed (FLACSO), "Evaluation of the activities of the Argentine Public Health Node."

Mg. Cristina Cometto (SP School Córdoba): "Perspectives of the Argentine Node Virtual Campus of Public Health."