The OER is a technical cooperation initiative of the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO), conducted by the Virtual Campus for Public Health (VCHP) and BIREME.
Its purpose is to create a NETWORK of Open Educational Resources (OER) that may allow the production, publication, search, and utilization of learning objects for utilization throughout the Americas Region.
What are the objectives of the OER Network Workshop to be held in December 2018 within the CRICS10 framework?
- Presentation of successful experiences in the production of quality Educational Resources (ER) (Learning Objects) that may serve as Good Practices for Public Health Virtual Campus (VCPH) educational processes.
- Presentation and training for the new OER Network model.
- OER Network working projections for the year 2019.
Who may participate?
Participants may be members of institutions associated with the Virtual Campus for Public Health (VCPH) Country Nodes with experience in the development of Open Educational Resources (OER), who have worked during 2018 in the production and publication of educational resources in the new OER-BIREME Virtual Health Library (VHL) Repository.
Country Nodes will sponsor the publication of educational resources among its various institutions, and shall select between 3 and 5 educational resources to be proposed to the VCPH Regional Coordination for presentation during the OER Workshop within the CRICS10 framework.
VCPH Regional Coordination will select Workshop participants by evaluating the quality and relevance of educational resources and their adequate distribution among Country Nodes. VCPH will provide support for Workshop participation (by funding travel, stay, and CRICS enrollment) of a limited number of participants per country, and countries may also develop their own resources for other non-funded participants who may be selected at a regional level to attend CRICS10.
Thematic Areas
Educational Resources for publication at the OER VCPH-BIREME Virtual Health Library (VHL) Repository must respond to the priority public health themes of the countries in the Region.
The following are themes with assigned priority at the CRICS10:
- The 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Objectives for the Americas, with special attention to Sustainable Development Objective (SDO) 3.
- Sustainable Health Agenda for the Americas.
- Strategy for universal access to health and universal health coverage (Universal Health).
- Universal Health human resources.
Evaluation requirements and criteria
Any learning objects proposed must generally meet the following requirements:
- Content quality: Updated information, supported by pertinent sources.
- Objectives and didactic coherence: Alignment of learning goals with teaching objectives, evaluations, and recipient characteristics.
- Feedback and adaptation: Adaptation of the content to the various users or user models.
- Motivation: The ability to motivate, create an interest, and identify users.
- Ability to generate reflection, criticism, and innovation.
- Presentation format and design: Communications design, including a diversity of channels (images, video, audio, etc.).
- Usability interaction: Ease of navigation, intuitive user interface and quality, user friendliness.
- Reusability: Portability between various learning courses or contexts without modification. May be used both online as well as offline.
- Metadata: Metadata precision quality, completeness, and consistency.
How to Participate?
Starting on July 2, 2018, applicants who wish to present their experiences at the OER Workshop during CRICS10 may contact their VCPH Country Node to publish their Educational Resources (ERs) and complete the Metadata at the new VCPH-BIREME Virtual Health (VHL) OER Network Repository.
Educational resources published in the Repository of the OER Network will be evaluated first by the Nodes in their respective countries, who will select those deemed of a higher quality and relevance, and then propose them to the Virtual Campus for Public Health (VCPH) Regional Coordination.
Each country must send an e-mail to with the Subject OER2018 and the following information about each selected educational resource:
- The title of the educational resource.
- First name and surname(s) of the authors.
- The pertinent theme area.
- Institution.
- Address, e-mail, and telephone of the main author.
In the event a country does not have an active coordination team node, participants may contact the regional VCPH team with a copy to the country’s human resources contact.
The main author of each educational resource selected by the Regional VCPH Coordination shall present his/her work during the Open Educational Resources within the CRICS10 framework and shall participate in the design of the 2019 OER strategy.
PAHO shall cover all workshop participant expenses (travel, lodging, CRICS10 enrollment).
The final selection of Open Educational Resources and their participating authors shall be made jointly by the VCPH Regional Coordination and BIREME.
- June 21, 2018: The Contest opens with a call for applicants.
- July 2, 2018: Access is enabled and training begins to allow Country Nodes to upload Educational Resources into the OER Repository at the Fl-Admin.
- July 16, 2018: Country Nodes begin ER admission, and will upload them into the OER Repository.
- September 17, 2018: ER admission ends.
- September 17-30: Selection of the ERs by Country Nodes
- October 1, 2018: The results of the selection at a national level are reported to the Virtual Campus for Public Health (VCHP)
- October 1-5, 2018: Selection of ERs at a regional level
- October 8-12, 2018: Publication of the results. Admitted papers are reported for notification to their authors and their publication in the various media.
- October 15 - November 1, 2018: Participants prepare to travel to the Workshop
- December 4-8: OER Workshop at CRICS10.