
Universidad de VeranoThe School of the Americas (COLAM) and the Inter-American Organization (OUI-IOHE), call for the Summer University on "Governance, Leadership and Public Policy" which addresses four areas:

1) Social Determinants of Health

2) Gender

3) Indigenous people and

4) Information Society and Knowledge.

This call relates to the 2011 edition of the Summer University College of the Americas "Governance, Leadership and Public Policy with emphasis on the thematic area of the Social Determinants of Health. "

The academic program is structured around 3 phases, with a total duration of 9 weeks, corresponding to 100 hours. It will have a distance phase will last 6 weeks (35 hours and will be the training school and pre-seminar.

During the 3th phase will be addressed Thematic Units .

Unit 1: «Democratic Governance and Public Policies: Conceptual and Analytical Framework»

Unidad 2: «Governance and Leadership: Processes and models of citizen participation»

Unidad 3: Social determinants of health

There will also be face phase with a duration of 5 days (Total: 40 hours) and to be held in Quito, Ecuador, from 11 to 15 April 2011

The face phase will be developed through theoretical and practical seminars on the implementation of interventions and policies in the field of public health with a focus on social determinants.

Finally, a final work this will be done once the online phases and face the course end. The participants will have a period of 3 weeks to write and submit your final project, which will apply and transfer the learning acquired during the course, in their workplace.

Coordination will be undertaken by Marcelo Lasagna, a consultant on the theme "Leadership and Governance", and Alcira Castillo, academic coordinator of the Inter-American Network on Social Determinants of Health COLAM (REDET).

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