The Bulletin of IH in the Virtual Campus of Public Health is intended to serve as a means for the dissemination and reflection upon selected topics in International Health and to provide information regarding the participants milestones and experiences in this new phase. The Bulletin aims to provide an iterative environment between the participants and the international community in order to:
a) provide information on the Leaders in International Health Program;
b) disseminate and reflect upon relevant topics related to health and international relations;
c) create a space for discussion and sharing of opinions;
d) share studies and information;
e) analyze news about public health issues; and
f) call attention to international treaties and agreements related to country team’s topics.
This Bulletin has strong linkages with the Interactive International Health Rooms managed by the country teams and serves to provide information on the participants’ work in the program. Given its electronic format, the Bulletin is open to comments and suggestions from readers and interested parties.
The following is a list of Bulletin Issues published since 2008.
- Introduction
- Leaders in International Health Program "Edmunda Granda Ugalde" 2010 cohort
- Leaders in International Health Program "Edmunda Granda Ugalde" 2011 cohort
- Cooperation of PAHO/WHO Country Offices with the LIHP
- New Module on Chronic Diseases and Trade added in 2010
- 25th Anniversary of International Health Program
- Seminars, workshops and meetings
- Publications
- Additional information
- Introduction
- Leaders in Health International Program Edmundo Granda Ugalde 2009
- Tribute to Dr. Edmundo Granda Ugalde
- Module on Nutrition, Food Trade and Development
- Development of a Country Topic
- Interview
- Seminars, workshops and meetings
- Other news of interest
- We Invite you to participate
- Introduction
- Module on conflicts, violence and illegal trade from an international health Perspective
- Interview
- Seminars and workshops
- Other items of interest
- We invite you to participate!
- Introduction to the Bulletin in International Health
- Methodological workshop for the development of the Leaders in International Health Program 2008
- Leaders in International Health Program 2008
- International Health situation Rooms
- Interviews