
30 October, 2020

PAHO and IOM sign agreement to improve the health of 70 million migrants in the Americas

Under the agreement, PAHO and IOM will focus on scaling up coordinated interventions to support countries of the Americas in addressing health and migration, while leaving no one behind. It will also ensure greater advocacy for the inclusion of the specific needs of migrants in health and development policy throughout the Region, both in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.
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Work to develop a COVID-19 vaccine is faster than ever but safety and efficacy processes remain unchanged, PAHO Director says

While the Americas urgently awaits a breakthrough, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) will only support the distribution of a vaccine that has proven to be safe and effective in clinical trials, reviewed by National Regulatory Authorities and recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), PAHO Director Carissa F Etienne said. 
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New rapid antigen tests could transform COVID-19 response in the Americas

The new affordable, reliable antigen diagnostic tests recently approved by WHO that can be performed anywhere are set to transform the region’s COVID-19 response by allowing health workers to carry out accurate, rapid testing, even in remote communities. 
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Central America begins pharmacovigilance pilot plan for medicines used in COVID-19

Representatives of the National Regulatory Agencies and the ministries of health from Central American countries launched the Central American Commission for the Surveillance of COVID-19 Medicines, on 7 October, 2020. The initiative seeks to monitor adverse events of medicines used in the care of selected COVID-19 patients in specialized centers in the region. [Available in Spanish]
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PAHO Strategic Fund minimizes disruption of critical medications and supplies during COVID-19

By safeguarding against supply disruptions and ensuring sustainable supply, logistics, and shipping, the PAHO Strategic Fund helped to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on routine health services in Latin America and the Caribbean.
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The network of social innovators in health expands its work agenda to strengthen health systems

Six countries in the Region responded to the calls of the Initiative for Social Innovation in Health to strengthen health systems, and during September and October 2020 they showcased their contribution to the COVID-19 pandemic response.
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Stay informed on COVID-19

Check-out all the information available on COVID-19 in PAHO´s website: number of cases reported in the Americas, technical guidelines, epidemiological alerts, guidance and research in the Americas, infographics, and social media cards.
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