
Celebrada  la Segunda Reunión del Equipo Técnico de los Nodos de Países del CVSP.

On 20 July, was held the 4th meeting of the Technical Team of the VCPH Nodes of Countries of the year 2010. The meeting was held in the Elluminate room, this room has been designed for the exchange of work of the Technical Team and is in the classroom of the Virtual Campus of Public Health (VCPH).

These exchanges began to develop from the Technical Meeting BIREME in December 2009 with the Regional VCPH team and equipment Nodes Countries; in them analyze the performance of the nodes to meet the agreements reached at BIREME and all new contributions and ideas that each node has in terms of aiding the growth of the activities of nodes Countries of our region.

On this occasion, the meeting was attended by teams of Nodes: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Mexico, Peru, CIESS. Paraguay and the VCPH regional technical team worth mentioning that some of the technical teams were accompanied by representatives of PAHO in its countries.

The node Brazil, presented its new image to this node does harmonize with the image of Nodes VCPH Countries.

During the session, the call was made at the Nodes of countries, to provide in their institutions MoodleHealth 2011 event to be held in Havana, Cuba, in February next year. This call was made by Dr. Ariel Delgado, National Director of Information of the Ministry of Public Health, from the node Cuba.

Shortly we will be making the launch of a new node will join the team VCPH Countries nodes, node Paraguay, which this year has been working hard and hope that soon it are ready to begin its operation.