Course Name
Protection and promotion of human rights in mental health and psychosocial support in emergencies - English version (2022) Verify Certificate
Psychological First Aid (PFA) in disaster management in the Caribbean - Second Edition - 2020 Verify Certificate
Psychologische Eerste Hulp (PEH) bij rampenbeheersing in het Caribisch Gebied. Tweede Editie. Verify Certificate
Public Health Leadership: Leading the health sector during COVID-19 and beyond - 2020 Verify Certificate
Regulatory Policies to Prevent Obesity and Diet-related Noncommunicable Diseases Verify Certificate
Regulatory System Strengthening for Pharmaceuticals in Small States. An Introduction (2022) Verify Certificate
Respectful Maternity and Newborn Care - English version - 2021 (Ext 2024) Verify Certificate
Risk Communications and Community Engagement in Health Emergencies - 2024 Verify Certificate
Risk-based Strategies for Poliovirus Containment in Facilities - 2023 Verify Certificate
SAFER initiative: cost-effective policies to reduce alcohol problems Verify Certificate
Scientific Methodology and Strategies for the Dissemination of Knowledge for Nurses - 2024 Verify Certificate
Self-Learning Course to develop Sanitation Safety Plans - SSP - 2023 Verify Certificate
Self-learning course: Clinical Diagnosis and Management of Dengue Verify Certificate
Self-learning virtual course on the World Health Organization (WHO) REPLACE Trans Fat: An Action Package to Eliminate Industrially Produced Trans-Fatty Acids - 2021 Verify Certificate
Skills Online: EPI-1 Basic Epidemiological Concepts (2014) Verify Certificate
Sonographic Assessment of Renal Transplant and Renal Disease due to non-communicable diseases - 2021 Verify Certificate
Specialization in Health Management for Older Persons - 8th Edition (English_2013) Verify Certificate
Supporting Primary Healthcare Teams to Use Blood Pressure Medications Effectively (ENG) -2023 Verify Certificate
The health and wellbeing of adolescents (2023) Verify Certificate
Tools for monitoring coverage of integrated public health interventions Verify Certificate
Trainer of Trainers of health care professions in the appropriate response to Gender Based Violence - Jamaica - 2021 Verify Certificate
Training for Health Care Providers: Caring for Women Subjected to Violence - June, 2022 Verify Certificate
Training for primary care providers: brief tobacco interventions - 2021 (WHO e-Learning course) (Ext 2023) Verify Certificate
Training on the Medico-Legal Response to Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Violence - 2023 Verify Certificate
Training program: Age-friendly environments - 2024 Verify Certificate