Metodología científica y estrategias de divulgación del conocimiento para enfermeras y enfermeros - 2022 |
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Mercury effects in human health and the environment and considerations under the Minamata Convention on Mercury (2021 - self-learning) |
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Mercury effects in human health and the environment and considerations under the Minamata Convention on Mercury (2019 English Edition) |
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Mental Health Services Management (2022) |
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Mental Health Services Management - Guyana - 2024 |
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Mental Health Literacy Approach in School Based Settings - Core Training - 2020 |
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Mental Health Gap Action (mhGAP) Virtual Course (2017) |
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Mejore la visibilidad y el valor de su investigación para la salud usando las guías para informes |
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Mecanismo de coordinación de SMAPS (Salud Mental y Apoyo Psicosocial) en contextos de emergencias humanitarias (2021) |
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Measurement of Health Status EPI 2 (2016) |
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Measurement of Health Status EPI 2 (2015) |
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Measurement of Health Status 2019 |
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Measurement of Health Status 2018 |
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Measurement of Health Status (Open Educational Resource) |
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Measurement of Health Status (2017) |
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Measurement of Health Status - 2020 |
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Measles Outbreak in the Post-elimination Era: Case Study |
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Maternal and Perinatal Death Surveillance and Response (MPDSR) Framework - English version - 2019 (Ext 2024) |
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Marco para la Vigilancia y Respuesta a la Mortalidad Materna y Perinatal (Marco VRMMP) - versión en español - 2020 (Ext 2024) |
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Marco de respuesta multiamenaza: Planeamiento hospitalario para la respuesta a emergencias en salud y desastres |
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Mapa de Evidencias: metodología y aplicación - versión en español - 2022 |
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Mapa de Evidências: metodologia e aplicação - versão em português -2022 |
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Manual para Manipuladores de Alimentos |
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Manejo del Sistema de Información Perinatal / SIP Plus |
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Manejo de Emergencias Obstétricas y Neonatales - Ecuador -2021 |
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