Course Name
Building Capacity for Community Engagement in Salt Reduction applying Social Marketing 2017 Verify Certificate
Caribbean Node 2022 Verify Certificate
CARMEN School: How to Effectively Address Non Communicable Diseases in 21st Century Verify Certificate
CARMEN School: How to Effectively Address Non Communicable Diseases in 21st Century - 2015 Verify Certificate
CARMEN School: How to Effectively Address Non Communicable Diseases in 21st Century-Version 2-2013 Verify Certificate
Children and digital dumpsites: e-waste exposure and child health Verify Certificate
Clinical Management of Tuberculosis/ Human Immunodeficiency Virus (TB/HIV) Coinfection 2023 Verify Certificate
Clinical supervision for mental health interventions - 2023 Verify Certificate
Communicating Data Effectively - 2020 Verify Certificate
Communicating Data Effectively (Open Educational Resource) Verify Certificate
Communication on vaccine safety: Guidance to support Health Care Workers (2022) Verify Certificate
Congenital Syphilis Screening and Treatment Training Course 2021 Verify Certificate
Course in Water supply in Emergency Medical Team Deployments Verify Certificate
Course: Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Coordination in Humanitarian Emergencies - 2020 Verify Certificate
Crisis communication related to vaccine safety: technical guidance - English version (2023) Verify Certificate
Developing a Social Marketing and Communication Strategy - Course 3 (with tutors) Verify Certificate
Developing Tobacco Control Legislation in the Caribbean - 2021 Verify Certificate
Development of Competences in Health Care for Older Persons: ACAPEM ‒ Basic Level - English (Extd 2023) Verify Certificate
Educational Quality Management of the Virtual Campus for Public Health (VCPH) and Collaborative Networks Workshop - 2024 Verify Certificate
Effective Negotiation Skills and Techniques - 3rd edition - 2023 Verify Certificate
Effective Negotiation Techniques and Skills - 2019 Verify Certificate
Enhance the visibility and value of your research for health with reporting guidelines 2023 Verify Certificate
Epidemiological Methods Verify Certificate
Epidemiological Methods (2017) Verify Certificate
Epidemiological Methods (2018) Verify Certificate