The Pan American Health Organization is organizing a series of regional and country level events to celebrate this day under the motto: “Forge the world we want: A healthy future for all.” The high-level meeting will seek to deepen the debate on guaranteeing a post pandemic social development agenda that includes and develops society’s and health system’s resilience capacity as a fundamental attribute to protect the life and well-being of the people of the Region.
Live broadcast on PAHO's YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/@PAHOTV/streams
The event had simultaneous interpretation in English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, and International Sign Language.
Resuming the path towards Universal Health, building a healthy future for everyone, positions health at the center of the global agenda, calling for action on the structural social determinants of health, in multisectoral action and with communities in the territories.
- Carissa F. Etienne, PAHO Director, Pan American Health Organization: Path of the Americas Region towards Universal Health. Analysis to get back on track and call to action to ensure the right to health
- Panel of Ministers of Health of the Region: The right to health and the necessary changes in the countries to achieve social protection and a well-being state
- Jaime Hernán Urrego Rodríguez, Vice-Minister of Health of Colombia
- Frank Anthony, Ministry of Health of Guyana
- Carla Vizzotti, Minister of Health of Argentina
- Alberto Arenas, Director, Social Development Division, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC): Strategic axes to consolidate advances in social protection in the Region
Moderator: James Fitzgerald, Director, Health Systems and Services Department, PAHO. Welcome and closing remarks.