Call to March 4
The Latin American Network of Scientific and Technical Information on Vaccines (UNDP) with the academic coordination of the Finlay Institute (Cuba), the Virtual University Health Infomed (Cuba) and the National School of Public Health (Public Health Ministry, Cuba) announce the course " Prevention of meningococcal disease "to be offered in the Virtual Campus of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) in the space of Countries of the virtual classroom courses.
"Prevention of meningococcal disease"
The Latin American Network of Scientific and Technical Information on Vaccines (UNDP, UN) with the academic coordination of the Finlay Institute (Cuba), the Virtual University Health INFOMED (Cuba) and the National School of Public Health (Public Health Ministry, Cuba), call the course "Prevention of meningococcal disease".
Meningococcal disease (MS), a clinical entity caused by Neisseria meningitidis, is a major health problem for many regions of the world. The workshop that introduces participants to provide the principles and methods of microbiological research, immunology and epidemiology for the fight against this disease.
Cuba has proven experience in the prevention of meningococcal disease. The inclusion of VA-MENGOC-BC ® in its expanded program of immunization has enabled dramatically lower the incidence of the disease, which has ceased to be a health problem.
The academic program consists of 4 modules, one introductory. This module is designed for students who first has the experience of training under this Scheme or under the Moodle platform. The classes will be extended for 16 weeks (145 hours).
Will conduct individual and group activities with guidance and tutorial support. Each issue will have its independent assessment while the final exam will be coordinated by the head teacher of the proposals from each of the teachers by subject.
After completing the course, participants can characterize the strains of N. meningitidis circulating in each of their countries and collaborate on projects of prevention against this disease. Establish methods of infection control meningococcal vaccination and follow up after vaccination. This will directly contribute to a better functioning of national anti-MS and the appropriate behavior to epidemic situations.
The purpose of the course "Prevention and control of meningococcal disease," will offer all participants a greater knowledge and understanding of the epidemiological, microbiological and immunological disease, and allow monitoring of potential adverse effects of vaccines existing
Aimed at
The course is intended for all physicians, microbiologists, immunologists and epidemiologists interested in understanding infectious diseases, specifically in the diagnosis, prevention, control and pharmacovigilance of meningococcal disease. As well as registered nurses linked to the control of infectious diseases and vaccinology, teaching undergraduate and graduate health sciences and biomedical subjects, bio-analysts, health technicians, pharmacists, staff of the center immunization, family doctors and other primary health care.
Duration and mode
Offer Virtual
Coverage: Regional
Registration: Selection
Duration: 16 weeks (145 hours virtual)
Limited capacity: 30 seats
Opening date of registration: February 7, 2011.
Deadline to apply for registration: March 4, 2011.
Starting date: March 7, 2011.
Selection criteria.
- By order of registration.
- The applicant must meet with the student profile (see point Aimed at:)
Teaching Team:
Course Coordinator
Dr. Gustavo Sierra Gonzalez. Doctor in Medical Sciences [PhD]. Professor of the Academy of Sciences of Cuba. Affiliation: Instituto Finlay. Centre for Research-Production of Vaccines and Sera. Havana, Cuba.
Head teachers:
Dr. Isabel Martínez Mota. Doctor of Medical Sciences (PhD). Professor, Institute of Medical Sciences of Havana. Affiliation: Instituto Finlay. Centre for Research-Production of Vaccines and Sera. Havana, Cuba.
Dr. Rolando Felipe Ochoa. Doctor of Medical Sciences (PhD). Professor, Institute of Medical Sciences of Havana. Affiliation: Instituto Finlay. Centre for Research-Production of Vaccines and Sera. Havana, Cuba.
Dr. Ivan E. Valdespino Cuevas. Master in Public Health (MSc). Adjunct Assistant Professor ENSAP. Affiliation: Instituto Finlay. Centre for Research-Production of Vaccines and Sera. Havana, Cuba.
Assistant Professors:
Dr. Mary J. Valdés Hernández. Master's Degree in Bacteriology Mycology (MSc.). Assistant Professor Institute of Medical Sciences of Havana. Affiliation: American School of Medical Sciences (ELAM), Cuba.
Dr. Antonio Melchor Rodríguez. Doctor of Technical Sciences (PhD). Assistant Professor, Central Department of Immunology Institute of Medical Sciences of Havana. Affiliation: Institute of Medical Sciences of Havana.
Ivet Mr. Álvarez Díaz. Computer Engineering. 1st level technologist. Affiliation: Information Management. Finlay Institute. Centre for Research-Production of Vaccines and Sera. Ave 27 No. 19805, La Lisa, A.P. Cod 16017 11600. Tel: 53 (7) 2080982. Email:
Course Coordinator
Dr. Gustavo Sierra Gonzalez. Email:
Technical assistance.
Ivet Mr. Álvarez Díaz. Email: