This seminar was held within the framework of the online seminar series of the Leaders in International Health Program (LIHP), Edmundo Granda Ugalde. It offered a space for reflection and discussion about the importance of Primary Health Care (PHC) in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The invited speakers discussed the role of PHC in the response strategy to the current international health crisis, the way in which different countries have activated and adapted their primary care systems for the same purpose, providing a critical look at the challenges and opportunities that the COVID-19 pandemic presents to PHC in the Region. The session was broadcast only in Spanish. Please find a brief report of the session and the translated presentations available in the materials section at the end of this page.
The invited speakers discussed the role of PHC in the response strategy to the current international health crisis, the way in which different countries have activated and adapted their primary care systems for the same purpose, providing a critical look at the challenges and opportunities that the COVID-19 pandemic presents to PHC in the Region. The session was broadcast only in Spanish. Please find a brief report of the session and the translated presentations available in the materials section at the end of this page.
Please see additional material at the end of this page.
Hernan Luque, Advisor, Organization and Management of Health Services, Pan American Health Organization PAHO/WHO.
Román Rafael Vega Romero, Professor, Public Health, and Social and Human Sciences, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Former Secretary of Health, Bogota, Colombia. Member, Peoples Health Movement and Health Peace Network.