
Moodle Salud 2013 - Recife, Brasil

MoodleHealth 2013 extends the deadline until October 6 to the call and present jobs.

Jobs should follow the following topics:

1. Educational Experiences in Moodle
2. Development and interoperability - Moodle Integration with other systems
3. Academic Management and Moodle
4. Moodle design environments - design techniques, accessibility and usability for moodle
5. Mobility: Moodle Application for Mobile Devices
6. Social networks and collaborative environments - shared learning potential integrations
Jobs should represent innovations, improvements or featured applications in Moodle. Must be submitted in files compatible with open document format and structure of the same will be the case presentation and shall not exceed 10 pages, 1.5 line spacing, 11 point Arial font for headings and 10 points for texts with a single spacing. Optionally, the presentations will be accompanied by images and / or multimedia materials. The evaluation work will be performed by an Academic Committee composed of various specialists of the organizing institutions.
It is worded in the languages ​​of the event (Spanish, Portuguese or English).