
On September 20, 2013 the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) launches the first edition of its Virtual Course on Gender and Health for the English-speaking Caribbean. The purpose of the course, which was developed in response to PAHO/WHO’s Gender and Health Policy, is to strengthen participants’ abilities to integrate the gender perspective within a diversity and Human Rights framework in their daily tasks.

“With this course, we hope to improve our partners´ access to information, tools, and evidence,” said Dr. Carissa Etienne, director of PAHO/WHO. “We also want to help users share experiences and build networks to continue the dialogue on how to include gender in health.”

The course is part of the continuing education resources offered through PAHO´s Virtual Campus for Public Health for the English-speaking Caribbean. It will run through December 6, 2013, and has 38 participants hailing from 13 different countries.

In preparation for the launch of the course, PAHO/WHO’s Gender and Cultural Diversity Unit consolidated efforts to identify the training needs for the Caribbean, develop the training modules, identify and train tutors, and select participants from across the Caribbean and from PAHO/WHO. These activities were carried out in coordination with PAHO’s country office in Trinidad and Tobago, the Office of Caribbean Program Coordination (CPC), the Human Resources and Management Department, and the Country Focus Support Department.

For more information, please contact PAHO’s Gender and Cultural Diversity Unit: Esmeralda Burbano,

Link to Director’s welcome: