
About thirty professionals from universities and institutes of higher education in health sciences Buenos Aires Argentina participated in a training workshop on virtual education, through the use of tools and labor potential of the Virtual Campus of Public Health (VCPH) of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), which serves as the regional office of the World Health Organization (WHO).

"The workshop responds to the need to train and update the members of the institutions involved or interested to join the Argentine Node Campus. Thus, we seek to create greater interaction with facilities in the country, especially in the interior, "said regional coordinator of PAHO VCPH Jose Baudilio Gardens, who coordinated the training earlier this week.

The workshop also participated as speakers other PAHO consultants, representatives of Human Capital Management and Occupational Health, Ministry of Health of the Nation and the School of Public Health, National University of Cordoba, entity responsible for coordinating the Argentine Node VCPH of Public Health.