
The Honduras node of the Virtual Campus is a tripartite initiative between the Ministry of Health, the National Autonomous University of Honduras and PAHO. In 2020, the node has developed two self-learning courses focused on the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The self-learning course on Home Care for confirmed or suspected COVID-19 patients with Mild Symptoms and Follow-up of Their Contacts, seeks to teach essential measures related to contact management, to ensure safe and quality home care. More than 1,430 people have completed the online course, which was launched on National Television by the Minister of Health, Alba Consuelo Flores, and the PAHO/WHO Representative in Honduras, Piedad Huerta.

The Honduras node also launched the self-learning course on Guidelines for the Care of Pregnant Women, Labor and Postpartum, in the context of COVID-19, in collaboration with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Obstetrics and Gynecology Society. The objective of this course is to provide support for the timely, effective, and safe management of pregnant women, in labor and postpartum women, in the event of suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection. It is aimed at health personnel at the different levels of care in the health sector, which includes public and non-public institutions in the country.

In support of the Maternal Mortality Reduction project, the Ministry of Health and PAHO, with funds from the World Bank, have implemented several actions through the Virtual Campus. Among them, the adaptation of the regional course of "Training of trainers for the improvement of maternal health in Honduras" was carried out in a tutored mode. This course is being taught for 21 doctors and gynecologists, nurses from the four departments with the highest maternal mortality in the country: Choluteca, Yoro, Cortés, Santa Barbara and Francisco Morazán. A self-learning course is also being prepared to improve maternal health in the country. This course will be available at the end of December and will be mandatory for all health personnel working and in maternal health care.

All courses of the Node are accredited by the Medical College of Honduras and the points apply at the time of the place competitions in the country.

During the 2019 and 2020 biennium, the Honduras node has trained tutors for online learning, including two officials from the Ministry of Health of Honduras who have participated in other courses as tutor and as course coordinator. These experiences demonstrate the impact of the work of the Honduras node of the Virtual Campus by supporting the training of human resources in health in the country.

Looking ahead to the year 2021, the Virtual Campus Node in Honduras is preparing a Telehealth course to disseminate, in partnership between the National Autonomous University of Honduras, the Ministry of Health and PAHO; and a course on organization and functioning of the Maternal Mortality Surveillance Committees.