
30 April, 2019

PHC 30-30-30, PAHO’s new Regional Compact on Primary Health Care for Universal Health
In order to help the countries of the Americas achieve universal health, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) has launched the Regional Compact on Primary Health Care for Universal Health: PHC 30-30-30. This Compact establishes goals to eliminate barriers to health access, and to increase funding by 30% to the first level of care by 2030. Read more

The Lancet publishes an editorial on Universal Health in the 21st Century
On 20 April, The Lancet published an editorial piece on the Report of the Commission on Universal Health in the 21st Century, which was recently launched in Mexico City, with the presence of Mexico's President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, PAHO Director Carissa Etienne, and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet. Read more

Mexico signs a declaration of intent to participate in PAHO funds for the purchase of medicines and vaccinations
Mexico has signed a declaration of intent to participate in the Pan American Health Organization’s Revolving and Strategic Funds, mechanisms that facilitate the joint purchase of vaccines, medicines and other quality medical products at competitive prices. Read more

National Regulatory Authorities of Central America advance in the development of a mechanism for the joint evaluation of pharmaceutical products in the Region
From March 25 to 26, 2019, representatives from Central American National Regulatory Authorities for Medicines (NRAs) met in Belize to advance in the development of a joint review mechanism for pharmaceutical products for the countries of the Region. Read more

Latin American professionals improve their knowledge in Health Economics
The eighth version of the Certification in Health Economics, called "Sustainability of Health Systems: Progress towards Universal Health," took place during the first half of April, in Santiago de Chile, jointly organized by FLACSO Chile, PAHO/WHO, and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean. Read more

New declaration of faculties and schools of medicine seeks to transform training of health personnel 
Pan American Schools and Faculties of Medicine signed a statement that proposes guidelines on how to transform workforce training to improve health care and respond to health systems needs based on primary health care. The declaration was presented during the XXI Pan American Meeting on Medical Education, held from March 24 to 26, in Cartagena, Colombia. Read more

Moving towards universal health with integrated care services in Belize
Integrated health care for women and children is one of the main focuses of the Matron Roberts Polyclinic in Belize. This primary care clinic provides comprehensive services to 24,000 people in the southern part of Belize City, an area with one of the highest rates of unemployment and gun-violence in the small Central American country. Read more